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How do I change the default stereo input to mono in Ch when using condenser mic and audio interface?

Community Beginner ,
Feb 13, 2023 Feb 13, 2023

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I use a Shure Mono Microphone with a PreSonus 96 USB Audiobox. When I am in Character Animator and record, it only records to one side. When this happens in Adobe Audition, I can change the recording input to mono, and it works, but I can't seem to find anywhere in CH to change the default Stereo recording to record Mono. My internal microphone and USB microphone work as mono channels in CH just fine, but when I use my nice mic in the PreSonus USB Audiobox, it only records the left side. Nothing on the Presonus Audiobox Hardware allows you to change the stereo to mono. If I can make this simple change in Audition, why can't I make this simple change in CH? I would simply record into Audition and import into CH, but I want to be able to record straight into CH so I can also make character movements with my eyebrows and mouth while I record the audio. Any help would be great. Thank you 

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