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How to make a puppet do these things?

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Oct 24, 2020 Oct 24, 2020

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Hi I want to use CE for a scripted comedy show

In the script the characters need to do several things that are not obvious for me how to do them in the software (or if its possible).

They need to eat potato chips, drink from a glass, kiss, fight and cry. How would I get characters to do this in the software?

Feature requests , How to , Puppet movement






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Oct 24, 2020 Oct 24, 2020

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The software has several things it can do - you need to use a bit of creative thought how to put it together to achieve the effect you are after. For example, you can drag the hands around. You can make things appear and disappear with triggers. You can use triggers to change the image for the mouth. So to eat chips, you could draw a bag in one hand then have a chip drawn being held by the other hand then use a trigger to make the chip appear. You then move the hand up to the mouth and then make the character use an mouth open viseme, Then use the chip trigger to make the chip disappear.


Drink from a glass is a bit tricky if the water level is meant to go down. THere are some mask capabilities that could be used, but if you have not used the software yet I would do the others first then come back to it. Otherwise just draw a glass in the hand (hide it with a trigger if you want to), and drag it up to the mouth and pretend to drink it (the image does not actually change).


Kiss could be a mouth trigger (you draw the mouth in a kissing position), maybe close the eyes at the same time.


Fight, you can move arms around. Not sure what this would look like visually.


Cry, there is a concept of cycle layers to do simple frame animation - you can draw the different frames and display one after the other (tears on the face) in a cycle, like flip cards.


What I would suggest doing is thinking about how you could imagine it looking and working if you had cut out bits of paper. CH bends and twists things a bit, but otherwise it is much like moving bits of cut out drawings around the screen. You can add/remove easily (via triggers). There are things like controlling eyes and eyebrows etc. But if you were to use paper drawings and cutouts, how would you imagine eating chips or having a fight to look like? Once you have that sort of vision in mind, can then tackle how to get the software to do it.





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New Here ,
Oct 24, 2020 Oct 24, 2020

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