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Isolate one body position when manipulating dragger handles

Explorer ,
Jan 15, 2020 Jan 15, 2020

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My puppet has all 5 body positions, each with a full set of elbow and wrist dragger handles. At any one moment, only one body position is triggered and visible. Unfortunately, when I attempt to manipulate dragger handles of the relevant body position I find that I end up dragging the elbows and wrist handles of the four other "hidden" body positions. 


So, when I hit record I find that I haven't dragged just two elbows and two wrists, but a whole bunch of elbows and wrists from other body positions. And since all the handles in the timeline appear the same (named as "Handle ()" ), it can be difficult to isolate and manipulate the desired handle takes while discarding the superfluous handle takes, making the timeline unecessarily cluttered.


It would be great if there was a setting that I could toggle to make dragger handle manipulation ONLY apply to the currently visible body position.


Thank you

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Contributor ,
Feb 11, 2020 Feb 11, 2020

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Great idea Mojito7765. I've had this issue as well. Especially when you have front/back arms that are rigged on top of each other. You have to be careful when creating replays that you aren't bringing unnecessary data to the timeline.

That said - I've also created puppets that share a trigger in various views. So if the puppet is front facing and you trigger '2' the puppet will right gesture. If you are in 3/4 view and hit '2' it will also right gesture. etc. However this means that it is going to carry all that data for the unused views. Makes the timeline pretty complicated!


You could create separate triggers for each view - however I use every key. Anyway - hope my additions here are of some use.





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