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multiple poses in folders work with trigger but not built in camera input?

Community Beginner ,
Oct 11, 2020 Oct 11, 2020

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Trying to create multiple poses that allow camera input for eyes and mouth as well as movement of head and  have managed it by creating folders within one main face poses folder for triggering but it is a jagged and bad method I've created.


Trouble is I cannot then access smoothing from pose to pose so I tried mapping each folder pose to

the set rigging postures for the face as offered in camera input face triggers but it doesnt work...

I think because each pose is a folder with many layers to position face elements.


It's hard to work out how to create these transitional poses if you want to retain camera input for lip sync and eyes blinking etc of the face but necessarily must change the position of elements in different poses- hence my having to create different pose folders.


At the moment I press a key and the head will jump to either looking up or down , right or left, 3/4 pose right and left and I have one position of head turning back. Except for my back pose where just back of head is seen, all other poses retain settings for face elements to move to camera. But I want the camera to be able to transition through my folder poses to access smoothing and just more natural expression and my not having to use jagged triggers.


What is the best way to achieve smooth multiple face poses that each contain face elements that change in position?

How to , Puppet movement , Rigging , Tips and tricks






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Oct 11, 2020 Oct 11, 2020

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Have you looked at the parallax support? I am wondering if you can reduce the number of face poses in other ways (like parallax). Another idea is whether you can change the body without changing the head to simplify head rigging. I am not sure exactly what poses you are trying to achieve, so a bit hard to offer specific advice. Could you share some screenshots maybe?







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