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My experiences so far and Feature request based off them

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Jan 13, 2023 Jan 13, 2023

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Hi all.  I'm fairly new to Character Animator, but have quite a bit of experience in other Adobe tools (PS, IL, PR, AE)

I picked up Character Animator and I'm blown away with how awesome and fun this is.   I've started creating a cartoon.    Based on my experiences so far I'd like to talk about my experiences below and make some suggested feature request.    


Also, if someone knows a better way than my solutions below I'd be happy to hear them. 

1)Right click Options in Project:

Experience/Issue: I had a scene set up that I wanted to put a different puppet in.   I simply wanted to duplicate the scene and then add a different puppet.  intuitivly I right clicked on the scene but the options weren't there to duplication.  I actually had to go find a video to point me to the Edit drop down to duplicate.  

Feature Request: Right click on items within the project to get edit options. 


2)Associate a different PSD or rename associated PSD to puppet.
Experience/Issue: I think this one  is really important. I have characters I'm creating where I do not want to
completely rerig or set up swapsets/triggers. at this point I can create a puppet, reimport the puppet, and
then make the changes. However,  from an organization perspective the name of the PSD inside the puppet(zip) file is still the name of the original character.  This just makes me feel bad.   I could technically bypass this entire process if there was an easy way to just duplicate a puppet and associate a different psd to the rigged puppet

Feature Request: Way to:
a) Associate a new PSD with already created puppet
b) Rename a PSD already associated with a puppet


3) Ability to set up a Bulk export or export transparent background (instead of PNG)
Experience/Issue: I created multiple scenes of my characters in different zoom positions. I originall was just using the dynamic link to pull them into preimer for editing, but the import from dynamic was slow and the files that were brought over required rendering. Instead I found that it was more fluid to edit using exported videos. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be an easy way to export the clips transparently. So I added the backgrounds in my CA scens and exported them. This is fine besides I had to sit there and export each of the 15 scenes one at a time.

Feature Request: Ability to set up a Bulk export of Scenes and Ability to export scenes as movies with transparent background (instead of PNG)

4) Default set to record when selected on timeline. 

Issue/Experience: This just adds a bit of time to my workflow when I have to turn off the record icon
everytime I select the character.

Feature Request:  When selecting a puppet on the Timeline do not automatically default it to record.


Adobe Team.  Thank you again for a great product.  If this type of feedback is valuable let me know and I am happy to provide more.   


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Jan 14, 2023 Jan 14, 2023

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