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Why is my puppet only walking backwards? All the behavior settings are set to the default settings, I haven't changed anything and it is only walking backwards. I have three profiles for the puppet, front view, left, and right that do switch when I press the left and right arrow keys but it only walks backwards. I've never had this problem before, hopefully someone can help!
Do both left and right profiles both walk backwards? That would indicate you have the wrong left/right profile tags on the profiles (or did the artwork backwards - remember its a mirror image - its the puppet’s left and right, not yours).
I always use ALT-refresh (two arrows in A circle on scene panel) just to clear out any caches. Just in case.
Next I would suggest looking at the Walk behavior. I think there are views and handles areas you can expand. I would expand them to see if anything unexpe
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Do both left and right profiles both walk backwards? That would indicate you have the wrong left/right profile tags on the profiles (or did the artwork backwards - remember its a mirror image - its the puppet’s left and right, not yours).
I always use ALT-refresh (two arrows in A circle on scene panel) just to clear out any caches. Just in case.
Next I would suggest looking at the Walk behavior. I think there are views and handles areas you can expand. I would expand them to see if anything unexpected - like it bound to the wrong layers for the profiles or extra ones you did not expect. Because the same layer names are used for walk and head turns, things can get bound incorrectly if you make the slightest mistake.
Otherwise some screenshots of the rigging would help, or share the puppet.
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I did somehow switch my tags, thank you!
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I am having a similar issue with two of my puppets, but they both walk forward in both directions until I record and then the right direction walks backward on playback. Ièm recoding a scene, so I will move on with a different movement, but I will be back to see if there are any suggestions to fix this for the future. Thanks in advance.
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For some reason its working now. I will need to test it again, but it seems that I cant walk in one dirction and then immediatly to the next.
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You have not been watching too much Michael Jackson on YouTube recently have you? ...
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That's hilarious!
There is something I amdoing wrong. Now both of my main puppets walk properly for their right profile, but walk backwards for theleft. I had an issue learning my left and right because both my hands look identical and now thanks the Character Animator, I have lost my left and right.
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Hello. I am asking for some assistance. From time to time my puppets walk backwards. Since looking into the issue I realized that I had the left leg layed first in one profile and not in the other. When I corrected this last night everything worked fine. Today CA seems to be giving me issues. I have learning this program since Agust last year and I have been on it daily since. I have created a animated series and someone sent me an application for a grant for professional animation training. I am trying to create my peice and publish it on my Youtube channel and have my grant submittd by May fiest, less than two weeks, but I am having so many issues that I have uninstalled, but there are still there. Another issue is my "Position Y" won't zero out. I am not used to forums and I need help that I can understand.