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I'd like to learn more about how to use Premiere Pro specifically for projects created in Character Animator. Can anyone recommend a good tutorial or online course for this?
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There are quite a few tutorials for using Character Animator with Adobe After Effects. Is there a particular reason that you want to use Premiere?
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There are two basic approaches.
(1) I normally export video files from CH and then use Prem Pro to assemble the video files into the final video. I sometimes add titles etc over the top. I try to do all scaling in CH to keep image quality up.
(2) You can use "dynamic link" to drag a scene from CH directly into Prem Pro. It will rerender it on demand when needed. Some people prefer it. You have to be careful to run compatible versions of CH and Prem Pro however (basically, update them both at the same time).
I go with (1) because I control when re-renders occur and there are less things to go wrong! 😉
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Oh, and if not obvious, if you use CH "Export Media" to create output video files from CH (I give each scene a number as a prefix so its easy to work out the right ordering - 010-intro.mp4, 020-saying-hi.mp4, 030-waving-goodbye.mp4, allowing me to insert 025-talk-together.mp4 later without renumbering the existing scenes), then all the normal Prem Pro tutorials around are relevant. Prem Pro does not need to know the video files came from CH.
Try searching YouTube for keywords like "dynamic link" and "adobe character animator" if you want to try the other approach.
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Fair enough. I think the reason that you'll find more tutorials for AE than PR is that you can open a CH project directly into AE without having to export it first. I've seen tutorials where this is done and the user manipulates the layers in AE just as they would a Photoshop file (much easier than can be done in CH itself). But, as you said, PR has features that AE does not.
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Here's a basic one I did recently: