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Problems with Nose

Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2020 Aug 22, 2020

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I'm having problems with the nose for my character. It does not seem to move with the head tilt and I don't know why.


Problems with Head tilt.png

I've tried making the nose independent, attaching it auto and to the head but nothing seems to work.


I have multiple heads. It seemed to be working when I just had one but now that I've added multiple the nose does not seem to work. I tried contacting customer support and they told me that the work is to have one layer for nose. I'm not exactly sure what that means.


When I tried contacting customer support, they told me to post on the forums. They also said that they would send me some workflow guides but I have yet to receive them.


Thank you very much.

Puppet movement , Rigging




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Contributor ,
Aug 22, 2020 Aug 22, 2020

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Hi Ken,

    Hmmm. I am not sure what the problem could be. However you might consider this approach if you haven't done so already. Create the "nose" on a separate layer either in PS or AI. I use AI. Do not give the nose independence (No + sign in front). Since you have multiple heads, each head should have the same elements including a nose. The rigging must be established for each head and so there is a place to investigate for problems. Also count the number of "triggers" you have for each layer. Sometimes CH puts in extra trigger points that can screw things up.

    If no solution, do a screen shot of your rigging and post to this forum.

    Be well fellow puppeteer. - Platty




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2020 Aug 22, 2020

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Ok so here's my swap set


Swap Set CEO Face.png


Here's how I have my heads grouped so far. with my regular nose being highlighted

Head Regular Nose rigging.png


And here's what I have for another one of my head's in case that's of any interest.


Head Upward.png




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Aug 22, 2020 Aug 22, 2020

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As a suggested experiment, try removing the "Nose" tag from the layer. I *think* nose is mainly for parallax effects. So if you don't need that, just don't tag it as a nose (don't call the layer "nose" as well, to prevent auto-tagging).


Normally things get stuck when the wrong behavior grabs control of it. Some behaviors I think don't understand multiple instances of things, whereas others do. So it might be the correct behavior found a nose and stopped, so the other profiles have something else binding to the nose - something like that.


If you go through behaviors and look and Views and Handles etc, you might find one called "Nose" - I would look at those bindings to see if you can find something interesting (e.g. two behaviors binding to different noses, or a behavior binding to only one of the noses, etc).




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 22, 2020 Aug 22, 2020

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Yeah I tried renaming it to Kose and still the same thing happens. I also tried adding the path to head in illustrator. None of those have worked.


I tried going to Views and Handles, they just bring me back to the tags window.




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Community Beginner ,
Aug 26, 2020 Aug 26, 2020

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OK I did a few things that fixed the problem.


1. Made each head in the head group independent.

2. I changed Blending Mode from Normal to Pass Through

3. I added Head Turner to the Layer that contained all of my different heads.




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New Here ,
Mar 15, 2021 Mar 15, 2021

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I just had the same problem and tried some of the replies here.


I didn't get the result I wanted until I linked up the 'Head Background' (in your layering "head") to the "Head" tag - with frontal/quater tags, then setting the origins to the chin.

For me that resolved the nose morphing when head moves.


Hope that helps







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