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I am using the CH feature "Compute lip-sync from scene audio". The first 15 seconds of the audio track have absolutely no sound at all (made sure of that in Premiere) yet the puppet smiles a few times. Why?
As well, I could just sit there with a neutral face (not recording) and the puppet smiles when I am not. Must be a happy puppet!
How can I stop this?
Thanks! Bob
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Smiles are driven from the webcam, not audio. I would hit reset pose and make sure you have good lighting on your face.
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Thanks - but then of what use is the "Compute lip-sync from scene audio" process?
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Smile and surprised are driven from webcam. Neutral is the default. All the rest are from audio processing. So if you see smile, it's usually lighting or you need to do a reset pose. Or just turn off the Face behavior for that recording.
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Or turn off the webcam when not needed - it saves cpu too! 😉