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"The device has changed and no output channels are present" message

New Here ,
Jul 08, 2020 Jul 08, 2020

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I think this is a bug in 3.3.1.  I wanted to check if anyone else was seeing it.


I have multiple audio interfaces on my system.  When Character Animator is linked from an AE or Premiere project, I often see this message "The device has changed and no output channels are present..."

When I have left a project rendering, I often come back to maybe ten instances of this screen.  It makes no difference if I tick the Don't Show Me Again box.  I have tried changing my default system audio.  It is only Character Animator and none of the other Adobe apps are throwing up this message.  I am used to seeing this message in other CC apps if I unplug my USB Audio Interface - which makes perfect sense -  but there's nothing like that going on.







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