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Replay hand swap problem

New Here ,
Jun 16, 2019 Jun 16, 2019

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I have a replay and trigger setup that is not acting as expected and I can't figure out why, any help would be appreciated.

My replay includes a hand swap (to a pointing hand) .  It is set to Latch and stop/Sustain.  But when the replay is triggered and gets to the sustain point, my puppet switches to the default hand.  I assume it is something simple I'm missing, any thoughts?  I've included a looping video of the problem.  (note the hand switch BEFORE I latch it back to default arm position.)

CA problem examplePP on Vimeo




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Jun 16, 2019 Jun 16, 2019

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I could not access the video sorry. I don’t think you can inspect replay recordings, but I assume you can record a scene then play the replay back and it should record what is in the scene. Just checking you had all the behaviors armed - I assume a replay would not record something not armed.

But here is a concrete suggestion.

- Create a scene with the action you want in it

- Play it back showing it works

- Turn the scene into a replay

- Play the replay - does it work?

- Record a new scene then playback the replay, does the contents of the new recorded scene look like the original scene? (E.g. any events missing etc)

If the above does not work, I would do a screen recording demonstrating, or upload the puppet to google drive or similar to demonstrate the problem. It *might* be a bug. Having a repeatable sequence that the Adobe staff could repeat might help get it fixed if it is a bug.

But the other thing that would be useful is a screen shot of the rigging showing the defaults etc.




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New Here ,
Jun 17, 2019 Jun 17, 2019

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Thanks for the reply,

I will do as you suggest and post an update.  I'll post the video one more time in off chance permissions were set wrong.


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