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Should be a simple issue but I'm stumped. I had my puppet working just as I wanted it but in experimenting I disconnected the link to the original. No problem it will be good practice to remake it. So I made a new project so I woulsd know exactly where everything was to be saved and reimported the PS file. But when I went to re-rig the arms the origin point is now fixed whereas previously it rotated. The design of the puppet is all about this rotation but I can't a way to un fix it and have it rotate.
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so maybe I just remembered it incorrectly as I now have got it to work kind of and I'm wondering it=f it ever rotated or did I just have the origin placed badly or something causr=e it still does not rotate but seems not as fixed. FrustratinglyI'm not sure what I did exactly.I did add IK to each arm but I'm not surte that is functioning as none of the perasmeters seem to have any effect.
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Could you include screenshots or similar? It is a bit hard to follow what your problem is exactly (other than it relates to arms). Including a screenshot of the rigging hierarchy can help for example. Understanding which layers are independent matters (are the arms independent?). Where are the draggers? Is the upper and lower arms independent or together with sticks for the arm bones? What is the attach time (hinge vs weld) of the arm to the shoulder if independent (that will affect how the artwork looks at the joint). etc.
Normally you put a dragger on the wrist to move arms (not use Rotate as a Transform behavior). But you *can* use rotation. Just not sure which way you are doing it.