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I am working on a project with multiple people and tried to share Character Animator project that i was working on. I compressed the file after copying the media files into the project folder. Then I uploaded it to our google drive. Everything is in there. According to them though, it does not work properly when opened up. If there is any suggestions or if someone may have a guess as to what is goinng on, please tell me. Thank you.
Sorry, re-read - i don't know why it does not work. If you did gather media i would expect it to work. Does ch work fine on their own created projects? Do you have any details on the errors they saw?
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I would never share a ch project - you cannot merge the changes later. Also the puppets internally might have a path name to the artwork files which might not work afterwards. (If you use "gather media" it will work.)
What i do is export puppets (via export puppet in the menus) to a shared folder so they can be imported into different projects. Other people can then import the puppets into their own project. I don't work with others (anti-social me!), but I create new projects per episode so a corrupted project will not lose too much work. It works fine for me, and reduces the size of things to share. E.g. if you update a puppet, share just that puppet, not the whole project and it's entire history.
I look forward to the ability to keep the artwork in the adobe cloud so i can edit on my ipad easily. It would be nice to share puppets there too.
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Sorry, re-read - i don't know why it does not work. If you did gather media i would expect it to work. Does ch work fine on their own created projects? Do you have any details on the errors they saw?
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Actually my main concern was sharing the puppets. I didn't want the people I'm working with them have to rerig them when they work on their parts of the scene. I had some audio and lip sync but I just exported that into a mp4 video. So your previous answer is all I really needed. Thank you so much.