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Greetings! I'm new to Character Animator and Premiere Pro and am still going through a bit of a learning curve (many thanks to Okay Samurai for the turorials!), but just wanted to share the first act of my project, which I just uploaded to my non-monetized YouTube channel.
Since I am drawing-challenged and am not familiar with using Photoshop, default puppets were used for the project, with only minor adjustments made on my end.
Feedback: Apologies if this was already noted, but after the 2023 upgrade, the Chibi built-in puppet seems to have been modified such that they have fewer limb movements available (specifically, it's hard to have it bend at the elbow). If anyone can provide dummy-proof steps on how to fix this in the rigging, it would be greatly appreciated!
Finally, could someone pleae confirm whether this would be the appropriate forum for trouble-shooting custom rigging? Or refer me to the appropriate venue?
Thank you!
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Yes, this forum is where you come to get help with rigging and similar issues concerning CH. Feel free to post a screen shot of your rigging issues and we'll try to help. Or, export the puppet and send us a link to it on a file sharing service like drop box or GoogleDrive.