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Swap Sets/Triggers in Child Puppet not working in Parent Puppet

New Here ,
Nov 22, 2020 Nov 22, 2020

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I have a puppet that I partially modeled off the Brooklyn Buddies Bunny puppet, in that there is a shared Head puppet used to create head positions (left quarter, front, right quarter) and other facial expressions (eyebrows, etc.). This Head puppet is used three times in my parent puppet, once for each of the body views (right profile, left profile, frontal).


When the Head puppet is added to a scene by itself, all of its swap sets and triggers work perfectly. However, when the parent puppet, containing the Heads is in a scene, the swap sets and triggers do not seem to do anything.


The Head puppet has its own Triggers behavior. I have made sure that all Triggers behaviors are armed in Record mode. Even using the Controls Panel, there is no response. All swap sets and triggers for the parent puppet work fine.


One thing I've noticed in the Bunny puppet is that the swap sets for the child Head and Arm puppets also appear in the Triggers panel for the parent puppet. Mine do not, and I can't find a way to duplicate them there.


Any ideas or suggestions for things I can try? Thank you!

How to , Rigging






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Adobe Employee ,
Nov 23, 2020 Nov 23, 2020

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What version of Ch are you using (it shows in the menu bar)?


> One thing I've noticed in the Bunny puppet is that the swap sets for the child Head and Arm puppets also appear in the Triggers panel for the parent puppet. Mine do not, and I can't find a way to duplicate them there.

That’s a side effect of using shareable puppets; unfortunately the triggers for nested shareable puppets don’t appear in the Triggers panel when the top-level puppet is selected. You can still use those nested triggers via the keyboard and Controls panel though. At least it’s supposed to work! Maybe the Bunny puppet has those triggers duplicated, so it only looks like they are showing up?


It sounds like the Triggers behavior on your nested shareable puppet is disarmed, but you've already checked that. Can you export the puppet (File > Export > Puppet...) and share a link to it here (or via DM)?





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New Here ,
Nov 27, 2020 Nov 27, 2020

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Thank you for your quick response. I apologize for taking so long to get back to this; animation is my side gig. 🙂

I'm all up to date on software versions - currently using Ch 3.4. I will send you the puppet in a DM - thanks for the offer and I look forward to your feedback!





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