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Unable to locate previous projects of puppet rigs, saving projects incorrectly?

Explorer ,
Jul 06, 2021 Jul 06, 2021

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So I recently realized that I needed to make some changes to a video file that I was editing and fired up after effects, but it says it cannot locate my character animator file.


I go looking for the file, but when I open the file, all of my puppet scenes are gone. Furthermore, I checked some of my previous rigs and recordings that I did for a few other videos, and noticed that only my most recent character rig recordings are showing up, even for another project that I did recently which had a completely different scenes and recordings.


I don't know what what's going on with character animator. Perhaps I am not saving my projects properly?


Furthermore, I cannot locate the folder where character animator is auto-saving projects. 


I am really confused on all of the different options to save files. 


I see an option to save project version, saved named project version, save project as, also an export puppet option.


What am I suppose to select if I wanted to save a particular project with various rigging scenes and then start a brand new project with a new set of rigging scenes.


It seems either I am not saving the file properly or all of my previous rigging scenes and recordings are getting overwritten. 


This is very frustrating and stressful to now realize all of my previous recordings on previous projects are now gone!

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Explorer ,
Jul 06, 2021 Jul 06, 2021

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Is there a way for me to get back my previous recordings and scenes from my other projects? 😞





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