Visemes aren't making my puppet's mouth move
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I have recorded audio that I've tried to use lip sync with. The visemes appear in my timeline, however the puppet's mouth doesn't change. It looks like everything is showing up tagged correctly, though i've never done a puppet with different head positions (he has right quarter, frontal and left quarter).
I followed along with Dave's video on Limb IK when i was rigging this puppet, but Dave's character didn't have right quarter and left quarter facing heads included, so I wonder if the problem is related to that. It does seem like it could cause problems to have it labeled Rusty>Frontal>Head and then under head have "frontal" "right quarter" and "left quarter". Maybe having 2 different levels labeled "Frontal" can throw things off?
I have included some screen shots.
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Hi Stephan,
I have made multiple head position puppets without a problem. Allow me to ask if you selected both the puppet and the audio track at the same time to create the visimes. May I also ask if you are useing the Headturner behavior and not a Swap Set. I fail to see why your puppet is not working correctly.
Be well fellow puppeteer - Platty
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Yes, I did use both the audio and the puppet track to generate the visemes. I can see the visemes in the timeline, they just aren't cause my puppet's mouth to move.
As far as a head turner behavior, I'm not familiar with that. I used a swap set. Is that the problem?
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Yeah, I think the Limb IK extra head/view thing is competing with your views and CH can't make sense of it. There's probably a way to do it - like adding extra behaviors to brute force the extra actions you want - but off the top of my head I can't figure it out. Personally I would probably pick one or the other - different head views or the extra head pivot technique.
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Dang, okay. I don't understand how everything well enough to brute force my way into making it work, but parallaxing should work instead of head positions, right? Having more control of the head and body is more important, I'm making a cartoon about a band, so they need to be able to rock, ha.
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I think parallax should work better, although if you use some of the techniques we show like adding extra head tags to things to make things move, I could foresee there being some potential conflicts there as well. But at least you're not also adding views into the picture, which I think complicates things even further.
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I feel a bit embarrassed, but wanted to keep all informed. I found that that even though each of the mouth shapes were automatically tagged correctly when I imported the illustrator file into CH, but the mouth/sadmouth were not tagged.
I tagged the mouth in all 3 views, and it works exactly as it should! I even decided to see what it'd be like to add a small amount of parallaxing to his face and that works exactly as it should also.
Thanks for your time!