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Why are my eyes not working properly?

Community Beginner ,
Apr 14, 2020 Apr 14, 2020

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I can't seem to get the pupils to move without distorting the white parts of his eyes (sometimes his right eyebrow for some reason). I would be grateful if anyone can help me have just the pupils move without it effecting anything else.


Here are 3 link options of how you can view my puppet.









How to , Rigging






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

LEGEND , Apr 15, 2020 Apr 15, 2020

You have put handles on the left/right eye layers and I think tagged them Left Eye and Right Eye (or is it Pupil? a bit hard to see). Step 1 is to remove the handles inside the Left Eye layer. The *layer* needs the tag. Putting a tag on a handle in the layer means CH thinks everything inside the handle (which is always nothing for a handle!) is the eye. You need the tag on the layer so it can find all the parts of the eye inside the layer.


Here is how to debug: look inside the Eye Gaze behavior




Community Beginner ,
Apr 14, 2020 Apr 14, 2020

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One other question I had was that his legs seem much more fixed than other characters I have worked on, they seem to not move at all even when the body is fully bent. I haven't even added the stick tool or the pin tool to any part of his legs.





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Apr 15, 2020 Apr 15, 2020

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You have put handles on the left/right eye layers and I think tagged them Left Eye and Right Eye (or is it Pupil? a bit hard to see). Step 1 is to remove the handles inside the Left Eye layer. The *layer* needs the tag. Putting a tag on a handle in the layer means CH thinks everything inside the handle (which is always nothing for a handle!) is the eye. You need the tag on the layer so it can find all the parts of the eye inside the layer.


Here is how to debug: look inside the Eye Gaze behavior (on the root of the puppet in rigging mode).



See how "Left Eye" is [Boy/Head/Left eye:Left eye] - the ":" means its a handle inside the layer. Ah, and see the Left Pupil path is [BBoy/Head/Left eye:Left Pupil]. That means you have a handle inside the Left Eye layer that has been tagged Left Pupil. It did not bind to the Left Pupil layer you have.


Next the Left and Right Pupil layers do not have the Left/Right Pupil tags on them - only Left/Right Pupil Size. Put the tags back on (leave Size on as well). (If you check the above panel, you should now see a Left Pupil path of [Boy/Head/Left eye/Left Pupil].)


Next, one trick is on your Right Pupil layer, go to the menu and add Puppet/Create Clipping Mask. This will clip your pupil using the whites of the eye (which is the layer below, exactly where you want it). This is not mandatory (especially if you do the following step), but it guarantees no leakage of the pupil peeking out anywhere - it will only appear over the top of the whites of the eyes, guaranteed.


And a final tweak you might like is go to the "Right Skin around eye" and tag it "Right Pupil Range". This will let your pupil move left/right etc, but not go beyond the skin layer you have. If you tag the whites layer with range instead, the pupil will probably not move size the pupil touches the top and bottom of the eye whites. If you did not have the skin layer, I would have suggested drawing an oval in a layer called "Right Pupil Range" and hidden it. Resizing the oval controls how far the pupils would then move.





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 16, 2020 Apr 16, 2020

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Wow thank you so much! And thanks for the additional tip on the create clipping mask.





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