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Why isn't my puppet's origin working

New Here ,
Feb 03, 2023 Feb 03, 2023

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Hello everyone I'm new to character animator and long story short, I kow the origin of the puppet is supposed to turn green that way all of the body parts can be connected and rigged together correctly that way the puppet can function correctly but unfortunatley for some reason the origin of my puppet does not have the green ring around it and when I go to try and connect the body parts nothing lights up green.  At one point it did but now it doesnt.  Although I was able to still connect the body parts it does not work well with the motion library like it once did.  I believe that's why it's not working good anymore in motion library due to the origin not working correctly. May someone please help me in getting my origin to become back green and work correctly.  It will be greatly apperciated. 

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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 03, 2023 Feb 03, 2023

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If the selected layer is independent (crowned):

Its origin will have a green circle around it if its position is inside the boundary of the layer above
(image below while selecting "Left Arm" of Hopscotch)



If the selected layer is dependent (uncrowned):

Its origin is actually from an independent layer above, and will always show up without a green circle

Screen Shot 2023-02-03 at 6.07.28 PM.png


The reason for the motion library not working well could very well be other reasons.

Please share screen captures or a link to your puppet on cloud storage, to get more specific help. You can DM me the link to your puppet if you wish to keep the puppet private.





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