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Win 10 'No camera selected' & 'no camera detected' showing in the camera & microphone window.

Community Beginner ,
Mar 29, 2019 Mar 29, 2019

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I thought I'd ask on here if anyone can help with our Carmera issue in Character Animator on Windows 10.

We've tried with 2 cameras. Each camera works fine with the windows camera app and with skype (which we then close).

But Character Animator, for some reason, doesn't find either camera (yes we've tried one at a time).

Up until December Character Animator could find and use the webcam then it stopped. Yes we've tried rolling back to CA v2.0

Could Adobe provide a utility to give info on what's causing the camera to be unavailable to CA?

What does CA need that Skype and the windows camera app don't need?

The details of everything we've tried and the advice we've received so far are in the link below:-

Bug report: 'No camera selected' showing in the camera & microphone window. – Adobe video & audio ap...

We'd appreciate any ideas.






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Mar 29, 2019 Mar 29, 2019

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There have been a number of recent threads on this - try searching through the forums. E.g. A recent Mac OS upgrade (Mograve? Mojave? Not a mac user!) changed the security model so you need to grant Adobe access to the camera in the security section. This fixed the issue for a number of people (and would explain why going back to the old version of CH did not help).

Another mentioned problems with audio I think - something do with with setting the sample rate to 48khz to be the same as CH.





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