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I am having a strange issue. I am trying to implement a websocket with proxy in CF2021, and when I go to the Server Settings->Websocket page in the CF Admin, and select the radio button Use Proxy option, the Submit Changes button disappears?!? What would cause this?
I am on:
CF2021, Version: 2021.0.03.329779
Ubuntu 20.04LTS
Anyone have any suggestions?
thanks in advance
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Artiem, I can at least concur that I see the same thing. I tried a few things to see if I could either understand it (looking for logs, etc.) or change it (making sure I had an IIS site set to connect to CF using the wsproxyconfig tool in cfusion/bin, making sure I had IIS set to enable websockets), but nothing I did would get it to work.
Since no one else has responded in these past few days, I don't know if you will get a good answer here. I'd recommend you open this as a bug report at That may be more likely to get the attention of Adobe folks. Perhaps they can concur or identify what's needed to get it to work as expected.
I'll say that I am not too surprised at the lack of response about this issue here: only a small subset of CF folks seem to use REST at all, let alone the REST feature in CF (added in CF10, in 2012, in contrast to the open source Taffy project that existed before and has been revitalized by its organizer, Adam Tuttle). Then when you subtract from that number of folks those using the web server proxy feature...and those doing it in CF2021, well, at that point you're down to a pretty small sub-sub-subset of CF folks. Then how many of such folks are here, to discuss it? 🙂
That's not a knock at all on CF (or the community) or on these forums. Most questions asked here DO get lots of replies. I'm just saying this is a relatively niche problem, which may explain the relative lack of response here.
Finally, if you do open a bug ticket, please do share the ticket/link here, and at least those others who MAY find this post can add a vote or look there to see if perhaps there was more discussion there.
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I don't think it's a CFML code problem. It seems to me to be caused by an error in the display of the Administrator page. That is, an error in the Javascript/CSS associated with the ColdFusion Administrator's web-socket page.
Let me explain how I arrive at this conclusion. Clicking on the Use Proxy radio button is supposed to toggle the display. Only the following 5 HTML elements should then display:
The HTML elements in the rest of the page should then disappear. That is, they should then have "display=none".
So the issue in your setup is that, during this toggling, the Submit Changes button is inadvertently given "display=none".
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I am having the exact same issue. I have tried BKBK suggestion of different Browsers / sizes etc with no luck. Odd thing is my local development version does not have this issue.
Very frustrating and as said, very little out there on this issue/bug. Posting just to add another voice of the affected.
Server: CF2021 2021.0.05.330109, Standard Edition, Windows Server 2019
Local: CF2021 2021.0.05.330109, Developer Edition, Windows 10
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Darrell, if your frustration is that you can't make any changes due to the lack of the submit button, I have good news for you.
First, as for bringing awareness/adding a voice to the problem, I'd noted above (in April '21, to Artiem) that posting here is not as useful (to get broken things fixed) as filing a bug report. I'd suggested they do that and share the ID here, but they never did. I then lost track of the conversation.
But a month ago it happened with a client and I created a bug report about, at **There in share a workaround that you may find helpful, if you're challenge is getting a change made on that page.**
Now, it so happened that the client also created a bug report just before mine, with less detail, and Adobe marked mine as a dupe and marked it withdrawn.
So if you or anyone here may want to add a vote on the matter, you should do it to THAT one:
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Hi Charlie, as suggested I have added to the bug report.
I will try the workaround tonight outside of operational hours, an initial test on my local version was successful so that suggests the work around will work for me tonight. Thank you.