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Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get the PDFgServelet working on Linux?
It's running CentOS 6 and CF11 patch 7.
The daemon starts but will not verify and the WEB-INF folder doesn't exist.
# sudo netstat -lntp | grep 8987
tcp 0 0 ::ffff: :::* LISTEN 15544/java
I followed these posts to no avail:
How to setup PDFg server in ColdFusion 11 on Linux | ColdFusion Solution
ColdFusion 11 – PDF Service prerequisites on Linux | Techode
This one seems to indicate that this doesn't work on Linux Adam Cameron's Dev Blog: ColdFusion 11: <cfhtmltopdf> a non-starter. Literally , however, it's old and Adobe's documentation states that it does ColdFusion Help | PDF Generation in ColdFusion I'm not sure if this article is related, but it also lists some of the same dependies Adobe LiveCycle ES4 * 3.2 System requirements
Here's the sparse log output:
==> /opt/coldfusion11/cfusion/logs/server.log <==
"Error","ajp-bio-8014-exec-8","06/16/16","20:34:17",,"Connection verification failed."
==> /opt/coldfusion11/cfusion/logs/coldfusion-out.log <==
Jun 16, 2016 20:34:17 PM Error [ajp-bio-8014-exec-8] - Connection verification failed.
==> /opt/coldfusion11/cfusion/logs/application.log <==
"Error","ajp-bio-8014-exec-8","06/16/16","20:34:17","CFADMIN","coldfusion.document.webkit.PDFgErrorHandler$ConnectionVerificationFailedException: Connection verification failed."
==> /opt/coldfusion11/cfusion/logs/coldfusion-out.log <==
Jun 16, 2016 20:34:17 PM Error [ajp-bio-8014-exec-8] - coldfusion.document.webkit.PDFgErrorHandler$ConnectionVerificationFailedException: Connection verification failed.
Have something to add?