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CF2023 FileRead 500 error

New Here ,
Jul 11, 2023 Jul 11, 2023

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We've recently upgraded from CF11 to CF2023. During testing of CF2023 on our development server, we didn't find any issues (other than the dateformat:DD update). However, after we moved to production, we found that FileRead (and FileWrite as well) is issuing a 500 error if called from a remote CFC invocation - either via url or $http (AngularJS) request. This doesn't happen on the development server. 


If FileRead is called from a .cfm, it works fine. If the remote CFC is using cffile(action='read'), it works as well. The only two commands where we are seeing this happen is FileRead and (after subsequent testing) FileWrite. 


The FileRead does read the file, and the CFC returns the contents back to the calling processing, but then CF appends the 500 error on to the request result. Likewise with FileWrite - the file is written, but then the return request yields a 500 error. The image below is an example of the testing the fileRead process. 


Capture10.PNGAny insight would be super helpful. Again this is not happening in development, which I think is a clue. And it only appears to happen when the cfc is remotely invoked. 


For those interested, I have a stackoverflow thread about the issue as well: FileRead 500 Error 


Thanks for any insight. 






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