CF2023 Package Manager
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Hello -
I tried to update my CF2023 on Windows using the CF Admin tool's Package Manager.
I clicked on Download and Install, it looks like it downloaded the latest version to the server, according to the updates log, it downloaded Update 12, but the process didn't stop and restart the server.
I did that manually, and my account has persmission to access the services, so that shouldn't be an issue.
I didn't notice the update to 12 being applied. I am bringing the Server from 6 to 12.
I'm just trying to get the updates and the other packages up to spec.
I've looked at different update guides... and there is a part of me that get's a little confused as to what files I need to modify and where to point things.
As I mentioned that the admin downloaded the file and put it in one directory, but when I follow the updates instructions, and download the zip file, the instructions want me to point to that unzipped directory.. I think.
I'm sorry, but trying to make sure I modify the right file and point to the right spot always has me concerned when I am making changes to my prod server.
Any idea or suggestions are appreciated.
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It might be that, when you restarted ColdFusion, you interrupted the upgrade process. Let's check.
What do you get when you run the following code in a CFM page?
ColdFusion Version: <cfoutput>#server.coldfusion.productversion#</cfoutput>
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Hi BKBK - I get this:
ColdFusion Version: 2023,0,06,330617
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Hi Doug, that shows that the currently installed update is Update 6. So the installation of Update 12 did not suucced. You could try again to install Update 12.
By far the easiest way to do so is via the ColdFusion Administrator. ColdFusion would then perform the update automatically for you.
Alternatively, you could follow Charlie's or AbhishekJha's suggestion.
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Yes.. I noticed that the server didn't update to the latest version.
The Download process worked, but the update process didn't stop /restart the server.
So I will be trying again.
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Hi Doug,
Installing via the ColdFusion Administrator involves just 4 steps. Here they are:
1. Log in to the ColdFusion Administrator;
2. Go to the Package Manager page;
3. Click on 'Core Server', 'Check for Updates' and 'Install';
4. Click on 'OK' and wait for ColdFusion Administrator to complete the installation.
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Bkbk, he'd said already (more than once) that he'd done that and it didn't work. See other discussions for attempts to solve the problem he's having.
/Charlie (troubleshooter,
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Charlie, I did see the discussion about using the Administrator. It was unclear to me whether Doug had used the Administrator in the recommended way.
"If the little bar that says "Downloading" is supposed to be a graphical bar showing percentage... it doesn't do anything. There were no other messages."
Hence my suggestion of the Administrator steps graphically.
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As Charlie said, I tried that a few times. I can see that the packages were downloaded, but then the server does nothing else. I can't tell if it's upgrading the server, I can't tell if it's restarting. I can't tell the status of what the server is doing. I would watch the Services and kept an eye on the CF Service to see if it stops and restarts. After 10 minutes, I restarted the service and the server was still on Upgrade 6. So the GUI didn't work.
Thanks anyway.
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Hi Doug,
Thanks for the clarification. From your explanation I now sustect the following is happening: a previous, partially installed Update 12 is interfering with the Administrator's attempt.
Does the following folder exist on your setup?
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Bkbk, would you PLEASE give attention to the other thread of replies in this post. Again, Doug has already addressed your question. I'll help you out by offering a link to right where he'd answered that. But I hope you'll please consider the rest of the thread (below and above that) to give context, and to save you making recommendation that have already been made. Of course, any different perspective on such things is welcomed.
/Charlie (troubleshooter,
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Charlie, I expect Doug to answer a question asked of him, not you. Anyway, it just might be that, in his experiments, he has changed or deleted things here and there. Especially given that there have been errors and the installation is still unsuccessful.
I'd rather ask than assume. In any case, as you will have seen, I keep such asides brief. My question, "Does the following folder exist on your setup?", can be answered with one word, "yes" or "no".
I have given you the courtesy of responding to your interjectiions so far. Politely, too. I hope that that settles that, and we can get on with helping Doug install the update.
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All I did was point out THAT he had already answered that, and kindly offered you the link. Since that's in another thread where you have NOT replied, I was in fact being polite in that response.
/Charlie (troubleshooter,
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Hi Doug,
I asked whether the folder
is still on your setup for a reason. If so, then it leads me to the following suggestion:
- Restart ColdFusion 2023;
- Go to the link that Abhishek gave;
- Follow the instructions to "Roll back an installed update";
- Restart ColdFusion 2023;
- Open the ColdFusion Administrator > Package Manager and use it to install update 12 as I described earlier.
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Here, for convenience, are the instructions to roll back an installed update using the command line.
- Stop all ColdFusion services;
- Open the Command Prompt as an Administrator;
- Navigate to {HOME_DIR_OF_JAVA_USED_BY_CF2023\bin and run the following uninstaller command:
java -jar {CF2023_HOME}\hf-updates\hf-2023-00012-330713\uninstall\uninstaller.jar
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the rollback;
5. Manually restart all the ColdFusion services.
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No file file should need to be modified, except in unusual cases (when you don't have online access from the cf instance to Adobe).
My first suspicion is that the issue is specifically what you observed. Cf did not stop before the update proceeded. You say "my account has persmission to access the services", but how are you judging that? It's not enough that the account "is an admin". And as you may know it's not about what account YOU are running but the account running the service (you do imply you're running cf as a service).
So it's that that user (running cf) must have per permission to stop/start the cf services. And that's not something you can do from the typical windows ui for defining permissions. It's a very low level set of cli commands that must be done. Or I'd recommend using the wonderful free tool, Service Security Editor, from Core Technologies.
If you correct that and try again, your update from the cf admin should just work. (And if it complains the update's been done, you could uninstall it and then reinstall it.)
But instead, you can simply run the update from the command line. Since cf2021, the admin downloads to the cf bundles/updateinstallers folder. You can use "java -jar" (in an admin command prompt) to point to that (as discussed in many online resources).
Or you can also use the cfpm tool, at cfusion/bin, which is also new since cf2021, and which can be used either to manage packages (also new since cf2021) or it can be used to install a full (core) update. See the docs for that either in the update technotes or Adobe's full docs for the tool here, or I have a talk I've given on the topic (youtube link and pdf here).
Or finally I can just help you "get it done in less than 15 minutes, via my consulting discussed here.
Bottom line, you should be done and updated once you take on any of those approaches. Let us know how it goes.
/Charlie (troubleshooter,
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HI Charlie -
When you say that ther CFPM installs a full core update. So it's updating the core and loading the latest update found in the cf \bundles\updateinstallers?
I'll watch your video and see how it works. But that caught my attention and wanted to just ask.
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Charlie -
Another question: I was comparing the
CF \bundles\repo directory
CF \cfusion\hf-updates\hf-cf2023-012-330713 directory
and I noticed in the hotfix directory there are a number of updates for the different packages, that's not in the repo directory.
Do I need to move one dir to another? Or does the CFPM handle all that?
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Doug, about you're questions, you may be over-thinking things. 🙂 First I want to ask, did you try the update install through the cf admin, after fixing the user permissions with that tool? Or are you perhaps reluctant or feel you can't? Just saying doing that would solve this problem for all updates going forward.
As for the cfpm, the docs page I pointed does clarify that doing the cfpm update all command will update cf to the latest version. How does it know? It gets the files from the web, like you did in clicking the download button in the admin.
So don't worry about where they are or what you see. It'll figure it out (it uses the bundles /updateinstallers, since cf2021 update 2).
Be sure to run that cli as admin. How does it go?
/Charlie (troubleshooter,
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Hi Charlie -
Thank you for all that you do for the CF Community and all the presentations that you do. You always provide a ton of information... and you actually do it at a decent pace, and tone that is good to hear as opposed to some speakers that are dry. I'm listening to 306 at the moment.
Anyway, you're probably right, I am probably overthinking things. But, since it's a prod server, I always like to make sure I understand everything first since I ran into issues.
When I initially tried to do the update to 12, I did it through the CF Admin tool. If the little bar that says "Downloading" is supposed to be a graphical bar showing percentage... it doesn't do anything.
There were no other messages.
I haven't tried the tool you recommended yet. But I will download it and give it a try.
If that's what is needed, I will do it.
I will be doing it around midnight your time. So, I will endeavor to leave a comment tomorrow about how things went.
Thanks for everything.
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Thanks for the kind regards. But in repeating how your attempt in the admin failed, I can't help but think you missed the explanation and solution to that I offered above. Instead, you've focused on the cfpm. Again, it's AN option, but if you'll try the other, it should set you up for success in all updates going forward.
Or just do the cfpm.
But before we go further, it sounds like prod is your only environment...or you could test this is a test environment. That could be free, if cost is the issue. Or maybe it's that you don't have a spare server, or no one sees the value in setting that up as a real replication of test. OK, fair enough. 🙂
But did you know that for free you could install CF on your own laptop? Even if you only use it for this testing of how updates work? And you could configure it with a user to run cf with another user like on prod. Then you could try that free SSE tool I mentioned above, and confirm how either that or the cfpm update works.
Then you'd need not be up at midnight crossing your fingers. 🙂 And might you be able to wait to the weekend?
And I'll remind you that I can be available to help directly, on a consulting basis, even for only the 15 mins this should take. I'd rather NOT do it at midnight. 🙂 But if someone's holding a gun to your head, we could make it happen. Again, see the consulting page or the contact page of my site for contact info, to arrange this (well in advance of tonight).
Otherwise, as Marco said in Taken, "good luck"...though I say it with no malice. 🙂
/Charlie (troubleshooter,
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Hi Charlie -
I used the SSE tool that you suggested... and there was no joy in Mudville tonight. (If you know the reference).
You're right, it was easy to use, I added myself to the service, but unfortunately nothing happened.
I restarted the service several times, and I tried the Install option on the CF Admin GUI. But it still produced the same result of not updating the Core.
I will go through your options again, and see what I can do.
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When you say, "I added myself to the service", do you mean you added your account (that you're logging in as) to the SSE tool, to control the cf service?
If so, i had said instead specifically, 'And as you may know it's not about what account YOU are running but the account running the service (you do imply you're running cf as a service)".
So, what user is listed as the "run as" user for the cf service? It's the last column in the display of services. Add THAT user, and try again.
Or punt and run the cfpm update all from the cli (as admin), found in the cfusion/bin folder.
/Charlie (troubleshooter,
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How did things go? Or did you push the attempt back for yet another night or the weekend?
/Charlie (troubleshooter,
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HI Charlie -
My bad on the understanding of the user selection in the SSE.
The last column in the Service tab is blank, and I think it's running under the System option.
When I examined the details for the service using the SSE tool, it looks like it's under a group policy for System.
I did try using cfpm using the CLI doing a run as Admin.
I stopped all the CF related services.
I moved the past Update 12 hotfix directory to a backup directory.
I ran Update all on the cfpm.
I was told of all the updates that would be performed.
I hit Y to accept the upgrade.
The system showed the download process, I saw some dots to show progress, and then I get an error and to examine the log files.
So I got the same msg for the 5 fatal errors - :
Moving files failed:: Failed to back up the previous hotfix files. Retry installation after ensuring that the server is not running or files are not locked by the server.
Going through the log file, I also came across these failures:
Moving files failed:
Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR - Could not move the file D:\CF23\cfusion/lib/jose4j-0.7.12.jar to the backup location drive:\CF\cfusion\hf-updates\hf-2023-00012-330713\backup/lib/jose4j-0.7.12.jar
Moving files failed:
Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR - Could not move the file D:\CF23\cfusion/lib/ehcache-2.10.3.jar to the backup location drive:\CF\cfusion\hf-updates\hf-2023-00012-330713\backup/lib/ehcache-2.10.3.jar
Moving files failed:
Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR - Could not move the file D:\CF23\cfusion/lib/commons-lang3-3.4.jar to the backup location drive:\CF\cfusion\hf-updates\hf-2023-00012-330713\backup/lib/commons-lang3-3.4.jar
Moving files failed:
Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR - Could not move the file D:\CF23\cfusion/runtime/lib/tomcat-websocket.jar to the backup location drive:\CF\cfusion\hf-updates\hf-2023-00012-330713\backup/runtime/lib/tomcat-websocket.jar
Moving files failed:
Additional Notes: FATAL ERROR - Could not move the file D:\CF23\cfusion/runtime/lib/websocket-api.jar to the backup location drive:\CF\cfusion\hf-updates\hf-2023-00012-330713\backup/runtime/lib/websocket-api.jar
So things didn't go as smoothly as I hoped.

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