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I would like to know why these two values are different.
What is the correct way to convert a string to binary.
<cfhttp url="" method="get" getasbinary="yes" result="result">
<cfhttp url="" method="get" getasbinary="no" result="result2">
<cfdump var="#result.fileContent#">
<cfdump var="#toBinary(toBase64(result2.fileContent.toString()))#"><cfabort>
<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline; filename=logo.jpg">
<cfcontent type="image/jpeg; charset=iso-8859-1" variable="#result.fileContent#">
In my real world example, I am actually doing this with FileRead and I use FileRead and not FileReadBinary (but the same problem exists) because I need to crop out a couple of blanks lines in a physical file before converting it to binary, and that file is created by a third party software which I cannot alter.
Can anyone help?
Thanks in advance,
P.S. I also tried charsetDecode( result2.fileContent.toString(, "utf-8" ) but with the same result as toBinary(toBase64(result2.fileContent.toString()))
You want to be getting the Byte Array of the fileContent rather then String.
Using getAsBinary attribute returns the Byte Array (Binary) value of the response, so by using the toByteArray() function instead of toString() you get the same content back.
You don't need to use toBinary either as the Byte Array is the binary result.
<cfdump var="#result2.fileContent.toByteArray()#"><cfabort>
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You want to be getting the Byte Array of the fileContent rather then String.
Using getAsBinary attribute returns the Byte Array (Binary) value of the response, so by using the toByteArray() function instead of toString() you get the same content back.
You don't need to use toBinary either as the Byte Array is the binary result.
<cfdump var="#result2.fileContent.toByteArray()#"><cfabort>