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CFComponent extends attribute path is caching (CF2018 Update 4)

New Here ,
Jul 15, 2019 Jul 15, 2019

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I have recently submitted a ticket regarding this issue, but not sure of the response time so I would like to query other developers.

The extends attribute path of the CFComponent seems to be caching on the server level the first request being made. Instead of just creating an error for the requested application, every application that uses dot notation extending the same path fails.

The error message returned is:

"The .test.componentC ColdFusion component or interface name, used to extend or implement the test.componentA component is invalid. Ensure that the file exists, that the name does not start or end with a period (.), and the name is not an empty string."

The issues occurs after installing CF2018 Update 4, seems to be related to the fix https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/CF-4204108

The details are in Tracker , but basically if you have two components with one extending using dot notation and the other using "/", it seems the path of the first component loaded is being cached. In this example the CFC using extends="/test/componentC" will crash any application that references extends="test.componentC". This occurs on a server level instead of the application level. It also only occurs after CF restart, the fix is to clear the template cache and load the dot notation configured CFC first, subsequent cache clearing doesn't causes in issues. Only when the CF server is restarted and the non dot notation extended CFC is loaded first is the error thrown.






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