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CFIDE/administrator folder wont serve .cfm pages

New Here ,
Oct 30, 2017 Oct 30, 2017

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After applying a hotfix I could no longer access the Coldfusion Administrator.

On linux (CentOS 6.9) running Coldfusion 11, my CFIDE folder is /opt/coldfusion11/cfusion/wwwroot/CFIDE

Then I have a symlink setup to the default site on the server: /var/www/vhosts/default/httpdocs/CFIDE/ this points to the /opt/coldfusion11... folder

This was all working fine till I installed a hotfix, now I can't server CFM pages.

I can go into the CFIDE/administrator folder and add "test.html" and view it in the browser fine, but if I change the extension to ".cfm" it fails. I get a 404 error page.

Oddly, this loads a custom Coldfusion error page and records the error for me in the database, and all the websites running on the server are fine.

My neo-security.xml file doesn't have any records in the allowedAdminIPList: ><var name='allowedAdminIPList'><string></string></var>

So that shouldn't be blocking access.

It's only CFM files that fail to serve. I've tried a .php, .htm, .html file and they all load. I've restarted the CF server, and I've managed to view /CFIDE/test.cfm just not /CFIDE/administrator/test.cfm

Any ideas?

Added Linux version






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

New Here , Jan 29, 2018 Jan 29, 2018

Thanks to help from Charlie I managed to find out what had happened, somewhere along the lines I'd move the CFIDE, I had the update files in one location and the rest of the administrator elsewhere (the update only touches the files it needed to change, so I had a folder with a few hundred files instead of thousands)

I merged the folders backed together and stopped serving the administrator via apache, I'm using the built in web server instead now just for the administrator.

The 404 pages were mis




Community Expert ,
Nov 01, 2017 Nov 01, 2017

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Willshaw, see my blog post, where I strongly suspect you'll find the info you need to solve your problem:

How to solve common problems with applying ColdFusion updates (in 10 and above)

Let us know if it helps or not.

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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New Here ,
Jan 29, 2018 Jan 29, 2018

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Thanks to help from Charlie I managed to find out what had happened, somewhere along the lines I'd move the CFIDE, I had the update files in one location and the rest of the administrator elsewhere (the update only touches the files it needed to change, so I had a folder with a few hundred files instead of thousands)

I merged the folders backed together and stopped serving the administrator via apache, I'm using the built in web server instead now just for the administrator.

The 404 pages were misleading me (due to our site wide custom error handler) as the index.cfm page itself wasn't failing, but includes from within were (like inputfilter.cfm)






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