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I would like to be able to annotate the different elements of a list made with a cfloop.
I do not know how to do it.
Thank you for your help.
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It's unclear what you mean by "annotate the different elements of a list". By definition, each element in a list has a position. Couldn't you use that as annotation?
In any case, you could store the list elements in an array. It would then take just one function call to convert back to list. The thinking goes like this
<cfset elements = arrayNew(1)>
<cfloop index="idx" from="1" to="5">
<cfswitch expression="#idx#">
<cfcase value="1" >
<cfset elements[idx] = "Genre">
<cfcase value="2" >
<cfset elements[idx] = "Nom">
<cfcase value="3" >
<cfset elements[idx] = "Prénom">
<cfcase value="4" >
<cfset elements[idx] = "Code postal">
<cfcase value="5" >
<cfset elements[idx] = "Ville :">