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I have migrated our Coldfusion apps from a server running ColdFusion 11 to 21, most have been successful but I am having difficulty resolving one error and would appreciate if anybody has any advice.
The block that errors is:
<CFLOOP INDEX="i" FROM="1" TO="#listlen(Form.Net)#">
<CFSET #Net# = #listgetat(Form.Net,i,",","true")#>
<CFSET #vat# = #listgetat(Form.vat,i,",","true")#>
<CFSET #Dep# = #listgetat(Form.dep,i,",","true")#>
<cfif #len(Dep)# eq "0">
<cfset #Dep# ="XX">
<CFSET #Act# = #listgetat(Form.act,i,",","true")#>
<cfif #len(Act)# eq "0">
<cfset #Act# ="Null">
<CFSET #Prj# = #listgetat(Form.prj,i,",","true")#>
<cfif #len(prj)# eq "0">
<cfset #prj# ="Null">
<CFSET #Loc# = #listgetat(Form.loc,i,",","true")#>
<cfif #len(loc)# eq "0">
<cfset #loc# ="">
<CFSET #PO# = #listgetat(Form.po,i,",","true")#>
<cfif #len(PO)# eq "0">
<cfset #PO# =#variables.MaxPO#>
<CFSET #LineDescr# = #listgetat(Form.LineDescr,i,",","true")#>
<cfif #len(LineDescr)# eq "0">
<cfset #LineDescr# ="XXXX">
I am new to ColdFusion and picking up somebody else's code so I am not 100% sure where the issue lies but the from research it may be the change in CFLOOP's behaviour in the 2016 release?
This is how the data is input-
The user should be able to input as many lines as nessecary, but should only have to populate Dep, Project etc on the first line, and it should be copied for all subsequent lines, only Net and VAT should be required for every line. This works as expected on CF11.
The CF21 page works for single lines but errors when more than one line is entered. The error code is as follows:
Mar 28, 2023 15:33:55 PM Error [ajp-nio-] - Invalid list index 2.In function ListGetAt(list, index [, delimiters]), the value of index, 2, is not a valid as the first argument (this list has 1 elements). Valid indexes are in the range 1 through the number of elements in the list. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: "path", line: 243
<CFSET #Dep# = #listgetat(Form.dep,i,",","true")#> is line 243.
The code works as expected on the old ColdFusion 11 server and only errors on the new server, has anybody had a similar issue before?
Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
I have refactored the above solution. Here's the result:
<!--- The idea is to list-append the empty string, where necessary, to make sure each list has the same length --->
<!--- Get the length of each list. The lists may not be of equal length. We will have to pad shorter lists up by appending empty string list elements. --->
<cfset NetListLength=listlen(Form.Net, ',', true)>
<cfset vatlistLength = listLen(Form.vat,",","true")>
<cfset DeplistLength = listLen(Form.dep,",","true")>
<cfset Ac
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The cause of the error is unlikely to be related to the ColdFusion version. It is very likely related to the line
<CFLOOP INDEX="i" FROM="1" TO="#listlen(Form.Net)#">
The value of the loop's to-attribute, listlen(Form.Net), uses the default of includeEmptyFields, which is false. However, the code uses includeEmptyFields=true when getting each of the list elements Net, vat, Dep, Act, ...etc.
Therefore the above line of code is incorrect. The correct code is
<CFLOOP INDEX="i" FROM="1" TO="#listlen(Form.Net, ',', true)#">
In addition, you could make your code easier to read, hence easier to debug, by refactoring it as follows:
<CFLOOP INDEX="i" FROM="1" TO="#listlen(Form.Net, ',', true)#">
<CFSET Net = listgetat(Form.Net,i,",","true")>
<CFSET vat = listgetat(Form.vat,i,",","true")>
<CFSET Dep = listgetat(Form.dep,i,",","true")>
<CFSET Act = listgetat(Form.act,i,",","true")>
<CFSET Prj = listgetat(Form.prj,i,",","true")>
<CFSET Loc = listgetat(Form.loc,i,",","true")>
<CFSET PO = listgetat(Form.po,i,",","true")>
<CFSET LineDescr = listgetat(Form.LineDescr,i,",","true")>
<cfif len(Dep) eq "0">
<cfset Dep ="XX">
<cfif len(Act) eq "0">
<cfset Act ="Null">
<cfif len(prj) eq "0">
<cfset prj ="Null">
<cfif len(loc) eq "0">
<cfset loc ="">
<cfif len(PO) eq "0">
<cfset PO =variables.MaxPO>
<cfif len(LineDescr) eq "0">
<cfset LineDescr ="XXXX">
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@Reservoir2023 , did my suggestion help?
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Thank you very much for looking at my issue and getting back to me - I have changed the code as you suggested but unfortunately I am still getting the same error.
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It means that something has changed. Either in the code or in the data coming in.
To see what is happening, put the following debugging code at the beginning of the loop. Then comment out the rest of the code in the loop.
<CFLOOP INDEX="i" FROM="1" TO="#listlen(Form.Net, ',', true)#">
<strong>Loop index i=#i#</strong> <br>
Net = #Form.Net#, list length=#listLen(Form.Net,",","true")# <br>
vat = #Form.vat#, list length=#listLen(Form.vat,",","true")# <br>
Dep = #Form.dep#, list length=#listLen(Form.dep,",","true")# <br>
Act = #Form.act#, list length=#listLen(Form.act,",","true")# <br>
Prj = #Form.prj#, list length=#listLen(Form.prj,",","true")# <br>
Loc = #Form.loc#, list length=#listLen(Form.loc,",","true")# <br>
PO = #Form.po#, list length=#listLen(Form.po,",","true")# <br>
LineDescr = #Form.LineDescr#, list length=#listLen(Form.LineDescr,",","true")# <br>
<CFSET Net = listgetat(Form.Net,i,",","true")>
<CFSET vat = listgetat(Form.vat,i,",","true")>
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A bit of a strange one - I have added CFOUTPUT code and it is still erroring with 500 - Internal server error and logging the exact same line as the issue despite it being commented out now:
<CFSET Dep = listgetat(Form.dep,i,",","true")>
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Yes, that's strange.
What happens when you restart the ColdFusion instance? Just in case it has been reusing a cached version of the page.
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Have just sent you a private-message (with an offer to have a look at your code).
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I'd like to offer a different take (and suggested solution), based on a change in behavior between 11 and 2021, especially given how your form has many "rows" of the same "field". If this is the problem, there's a simple fix: set sameformfieldsasarray="false" for this application. The default for this is what's changed (it was true in cf11...and 10 and 9. There was some http spec reason Adobe changed it).
[Update: in my original reply, I used formfieldsasarray rather than sameformfieldsasarray. Writing all this on my phone. I have corrected the references throughout my reply here.]
I know you said you're new to cf. You may know that before cf runs a requested template, it first runs any application.cfc or cfm it finds in the folder for that template, or it looks up to the next folder above it, and so on. Can you find that file?
If it's an application.cfc, set this (where you should see others like, as this.sameformfieldsasarray="false". If it's an application.cfm, add this to the cfapplication (which you should find there) as an attribute/value pair, sameformfieldsasarray="false".
Save the file, test your app, and let us know how it goes.
BTW, you mentioned changing the template and seeing no change. You mentioned the "path" shown in the error in your opening message. Are you definitely change files in THAT path?
As a sanity check, put a cfabort at the top of your application.cfm or cfc. That should make the request of ANY page in that app return blank. If it does not, as bkbk hinted your cf admin may be set to cache templates once they're running ("trusted cache", set on the "caching" page).
For now, remove that cfabort and let us know where things stand and we'll go from there, as this is already a long reply.
Hope we may be getting you to a solution.
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Hi Charlie,
Thank you for your comment - I have added the CFApplication tag to application.cfm and now loading most pages of the app result in an error with the following message:
The changes were definitely made to the correct files as running the test on the application causes the error to be logged with a different line number as I restructure the code. I have restarted the ColdFusion application server service as well in case of the cached page - I'll test the cfabort now.
Many thanks again,
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As I told you in the private-message, the property is
Looking at the forms in your code, I had wondered whether this property is relevant. I could see no duplicate form-field-names.
However, Charlie may be on to something when he mentions the change between CF11 and CF2021. Probably not a coincidence.
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BKBK has noted the my error in the line, I have changed it to SAMEFORMFIELDSASARRAY and it gives the same error as previous Invalid list index 2...
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Just to be clear, did you use the following in Application.cfm?
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Sorry for my mistake. I just corrected my original post.
Please now just do a cfdump of the variable in question. Your original error said it was in Form.dep, so add:
<cfdump var="#Form.dep#" >
<cfabort >
Putting it just before the line with the error. Show or tell us the results
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This is the output, presumably dep is [empty string]
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Also if all values of the rows in the table are populated it works correctly, but not when any are empty which is part of the requirement, they are not all required.
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Something you could try. If it works, then you could think of making it more efficient.
1) Delete the attribute sameFormFieldsAsArray. Then you will return to the original situation (whereby sameFormFieldsAsArray is false by default).
2) Place the following code - for example, using cfinclude - at a point before the form variables are used:
<!--- The idea is to list-append the empty string, where necessary, to make sure each list has the same length --->
<!--- Assumption: It is required that each of the lists Net, vat, Dep, etc. shares this same length --->
<cfset NetListLength=listlen(Form.Net, ',', true)>
<!--- Get the length of each list. Some lists may not be as long as Form.Net. We will have to pad them up by appending empty string list elements. --->
<cfset vatlistLength = listLen(Form.vat,",","true")>
<cfset DeplistLength = listLen(Form.dep,",","true")>
<cfset ActlistLength = listLen(Form.act,",","true")>
<cfset PrjlistLength = listLen(Form.prj,",","true")>
<cfset LoclistLength = listLen(Form.loc,",","true")>
<cfset POlistLength = listLen(Form.po,",","true")>
<cfset LineDescrlistLength = listLen(Form.LineDescr,",","true")>
<!--- Convert each list to an array. Each array may possibly have a different number of elements. --->
<cfset vatArray= listToArray(Form.vat)>
<cfset DepArray= listToArray(Form.dep)>
<cfset ActArray= listToArray(Form.act)>
<cfset PrjArray= listToArray(Form.prj)>
<cfset LocArray= listToArray(Form.loc)>
<cfset POArray= listToArray(Form.po)>
<cfset LineDescrArray= listToArray(Form.LineDescr)>
<!--- Add the empty string "", where needed, to ensure that the arrays have exactly the same length --->
<cfset ArraySet(vatArray, vatlistLength+1, NetListLength, "")>
<cfset ArraySet(DepArray, DeplistLength+1, NetListLength, "")>
<cfset ArraySet(ActArray, ActlistLength+1, NetListLength, "")>
<cfset ArraySet(PrjArray, PrjlistLength+1, NetListLength, "")>
<cfset ArraySet(LocArray, LoclistLength+1, NetListLength, "")>
<cfset ArraySet(POArray, POlistLength+1, NetListLength, "")>
<cfset ArraySet(LineDescrArray, LineDescrlistLength+1, NetListLength, "")>
<!--- Convert each array back to list. Each list now has exacly the same number of elements. --->
<cfset form.vat=arrayToList(vatArray,',')>
<cfset form.Dep=arrayToList(DepArray,',')>
<cfset form.Act=arrayToList(ActArray,',')>
<cfset form.Prj=arrayToList(PrjArray,',')>
<cfset form.Loc=arrayToList(LocArray,',')>
<cfset form.PO=arrayToList(POArray,',')>
<cfset form.LineDescr=arrayToList(LineDescrArray,',')>
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I have implemented the code above and get the error:
Start index 11 should be greater than zero AND less than or equal to end index 2.The range passed to ArraySet must begin with a number greater than zero and less than or equal to the second number.
This is at the first ArraySet
<cfset ArraySet(vatArray, vatlistLength+1, NetListLength, "")>
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I have implemented the code above and get the error:
Start index 11 should be greater than zero AND less than or equal to end index 2.The range passed to ArraySet must begin with a number greater than zero and less than or equal to the second number.
This is at the first ArraySet
<cfset ArraySet(vatArray, vatlistLength+1, NetListLength, "")>
By @Reservoir2023
Ah, that means that the following code is probably wrong:
<CFLOOP INDEX="i" FROM="1" TO="#listlen(Form.Net, ',', true)#">
The error suggests that NetListLength is 2 and vatListLength is 10.
I had guessed as much. Which is why I included:
<!--- Assumption: It is required that each of the lists Net, vat, Dep, etc. shares this same length --->
<cfset NetListLength=listlen(Form.Net, ',', true)>
So it's back to the drawing-board.
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I have refactored the above solution. Here's the result:
<!--- The idea is to list-append the empty string, where necessary, to make sure each list has the same length --->
<!--- Get the length of each list. The lists may not be of equal length. We will have to pad shorter lists up by appending empty string list elements. --->
<cfset NetListLength=listlen(Form.Net, ',', true)>
<cfset vatlistLength = listLen(Form.vat,",","true")>
<cfset DeplistLength = listLen(Form.dep,",","true")>
<cfset ActlistLength = listLen(Form.act,",","true")>
<cfset PrjlistLength = listLen(Form.prj,",","true")>
<cfset LoclistLength = listLen(Form.loc,",","true")>
<cfset POlistLength = listLen(Form.po,",","true")>
<cfset LineDescrlistLength = listLen(Form.LineDescr,",","true")>
<!--- Find which list-length is the maximum --->
<cfset maxListLength=arrayMax([NetListLength,vatlistLength,DeplistLength,ActlistLength,PrjlistLength,LoclistLength,POlistLength,LineDescrlistLength])>
<!--- Convert each list to an array. Each array may possibly have a different number of elements. --->
<cfset NetArray= listToArray(Form.Net)>
<cfset vatArray= listToArray(Form.vat)>
<cfset DepArray= listToArray(Form.dep)>
<cfset ActArray= listToArray(Form.act)>
<cfset PrjArray= listToArray(Form.prj)>
<cfset LocArray= listToArray(Form.loc)>
<cfset POArray= listToArray(Form.po)>
<cfset LineDescrArray= listToArray(Form.LineDescr)>
<!--- Add the empty string "", where needed, to ensure that the arrays have exactly the same length --->
<cfif NetlistLength lt maxListLength>
<cfset ArraySet(NetArray, NetlistLength+1, maxListLength, "")>
<cfif vatlistLength lt maxListLength>
<cfset ArraySet(vatArray, vatlistLength+1, maxListLength, "")>
<cfif DeplistLength lt maxListLength>
<cfset ArraySet(DepArray, DeplistLength+1, maxListLength, "")>
<cfif ActlistLength lt maxListLength>
<cfset ArraySet(ActArray, ActlistLength+1, maxListLength, "")>
<cfif PrjlistLength lt maxListLength>
<cfset ArraySet(PrjArray, PrjlistLength+1, maxListLength, "")>
<cfif LoclistLength lt maxListLength>
<cfset ArraySet(LocArray, LoclistLength+1, maxListLength, "")>
<cfif POlistLength lt maxListLength>
<cfset ArraySet(POArray, POlistLength+1, maxListLength, "")>
<cfif LineDescrlistLength lt maxListLength>
<cfset ArraySet(LineDescrArray, LineDescrlistLength+1, maxListLength, "")>
<!--- Convert each array back to list. Each list now has exacly the same number - namely, maxListLength - of elements. --->
<cfset form.vat=arrayToList(vatArray,',')>
<cfset form.Dep=arrayToList(DepArray,',')>
<cfset form.Act=arrayToList(ActArray,',')>
<cfset form.Prj=arrayToList(PrjArray,',')>
<cfset form.Loc=arrayToList(LocArray,',')>
<cfset form.PO=arrayToList(POArray,',')>
<cfset form.LineDescr=arrayToList(LineDescrArray,',')>
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This one looks to me like it has worked, I am going to confirm with the end user
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That looks to have worked! Thank you very much for your help!
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My pleasure!
I am glad to hear that it now works.
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I was setting it to false - though I do get a different error with it set to true:
Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values.The expression has requested a variable or an intermediate expression result as a simple value. However, the result cannot be converted to a simple value. Simple values are strings, numbers, boolean values, and date/time values. Queries, arrays, and COM objects are examples of complex values. <p> The most likely cause of the error is that you tried to use a complex value as a simple one. For example, you tried to use a query variable in a cfif tag
it specifies the line <CFLOOP INDEX="i" FROM="1" TO="#listlen(Form.Net, ',', true)#">
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The error is to be expected, of course. With
duplicate form-field-names will come in as arrays.
So when using that application attribute, place the following code before any code involving the form-field-values:
<!--- Convert any arrays back to list --->
<cfif isArray(form.Net)>
<cfset form.Net=arrayToList(form.Net,',')>
<cfif isArray(form.Dep)>
<cfset form.Dep=arrayToList( form.Dep,',')>
<cfif isArray(form.Act)>
<cfset form.Act=arrayToList(form.Act,',')>
<cfif isArray(form.Prj)>
<cfset form.Prj=arrayToList(form.Prj,',')>
<cfif isArray(form.Loc)>
<cfset form.Loc=arrayToList(form.Loc,',')>
<cfif isArray(form.PO)>
<cfset form.PO=arrayToList(form.PO,',')>
<cfif isArray(form.LineDescr)>
<cfset form.LineDescr=arrayToList(form.LineDescr,',')>