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Hi, I have seen this discussed with other posts, but so far they have not solved my problem.
Here's sample code (from Ben Nadel) that works under ColdFusion 2021 Update 4 or older - but does not work on Update 5 or later.
Create our "dirty" HTML document. Dirty in the sense that it
cannot be parsed as valid XML. In order to make this document
"bad", we'll have tags that don't self-close and perhaps a
missing close-tag or two.
<cfsavecontent variable="dirtyHtml">
<!doctype html>
<html xmlns="">
<title>Dana Linn Bailey</title>
<meta name="description" content="Strong female muscle, FTW!">
<meta name="keywords" content="female muscle,femmuscle,sexy">
Dana Linn Bailey
Professional Bodybuilder
ALT="Dana Linn Bailey"
Professional Services
<li>Full Contest Preparation
<li>12-Week Weight Management Program
<li>ONE-TIME Personalized Diet Plan
<li>ONE-TIME Personalized Week Training Program
<li>Train with DLB herself!!!
I grew up a jock. At age 6, I was already on the swim
team, waking up and going to practice just like the big
kids. Up until high school, I was a 6-sport athlete all
year round, playing soccer, basketball, field hockey,
softball, running track and also swim team. In high
school I continued with my 3 favorite sports, soccer,
basketball, and field hockey and excelled in all with
many awards.
<a href=>Read More</a>.
<!--- ----------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- ----------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- ----------------------------------------------------- --->
<!--- ----------------------------------------------------- --->
// I take an HTML string and parse it into an XML(XHTML)
// document. This is returned as a standard ColdFusion XML
// document.
function htmlParse( htmlContent, disableNamespaces = true ){
// Create an instance of the Xalan SAX2DOM class as the
// recipient of the TagSoup SAX (Simple API for XML) compliant
// events. TagSoup will parse the HTML and announce events as
// it encounters various HTML nodes. The SAX2DOM instance will
// listen for such events and construct a DOM tree in response.
var saxDomBuilder = createObject( "java", "" ).init();
// Create our TagSoup parser.
var tagSoupParser = createObject( "java", "org.ccil.cowan.tagsoup.Parser" ).init();
// Check to see if namespaces are going to be disabled in the
// parser. If so, then they will not be added to elements.
if (disableNamespaces){
// Turn off namespaces - they are lame an nobody likes
// to perform xmlSearch() methods with them in place.
javaCast( "boolean", false )
// Set our DOM builder to be the listener for SAX-based
// parsing events on our HTML.
tagSoupParser.setContentHandler( saxDomBuilder );
// Create our content input. The InputSource encapsulates the
// means by which the content is read.
var inputSource = createObject( "java", "org.xml.sax.InputSource" ).init(
createObject( "java", "" ).init( htmlContent )
// Parse the HTML. This will trigger events which the SAX2DOM
// builder will translate into a DOM tree.
tagSoupParser.parse( inputSource );
// Now that the HTML has been parsed, we have to get a
// representation that is similar to the XML document that
// ColdFusion users are used to having. Let's search for the
// ROOT document and return is.
xmlSearch( saxDomBuilder.getDom(), "/node()" )[ 1 ]
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// Parse the "dirty" HTML into a valid XML document.
xhtml = htmlParse( dirtyHtml );
// Query for the head contents.
headContents = xmlSearch( xhtml, "/html/head/*" );
// Query for the body contents.
bodyContents = xmlSearch( xhtml, "/html/body/*" );
// Output the two values.
writeDump( headContents );
writeDump( bodyContents );
And here's the error that occurs on Update 5 or later.
Unable to process the result of the XMLSearch for ''.
ColdFusion is unable to process the result of the XPath search. You may have an undefined variable in the xpath expression.
The error occurred in dev/index.cfm: line 115
113 : // ROOT document and return is.
114 : return(
115 : xmlSearch( saxDomBuilder.getDom(), "/node()" )[1]
116 : );
117 : }
I've been really struggling to find a way around this issue. Although the above code is just a sample, it's basically the same code that my client's app has been using for years.
Any suggestions? Anyone know what actually changed with Update 5 related to XMLSearch?
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Hi @DavidRps ,
We have a fix for a similar issue which we can try. Please contact us at