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Hello All,
I have been working with the API manager trying to set it up so that we can use custom endpoints and not have to use the port 8500 rest calls setup in the ColdFusion administrator.
I have had things working great until I needed to "secure" the ColdFusion administrator and REST APIs on port 8500 with an SSL certificate. As soon as I setup the certificate the API manager could no longer "test" the API calls and if I remove the API set and attempt to reimport I get the following error.
[ERROR] 2021-03-16 14:42:10.173 [XNIO-2 task-1] CFDiscoveryPortalServiceImpl - Error retrieving available REST services
I suspect that it likely has something to do with adding the certificate to the keystore/truststore for the API Manager but so far I have not had luck with that.
I have used keytool and added the cert to the [APIManagerHome]/jre/Contents/Home/jre/lib/security/cacerts and have also made sure it was added to the ColdFusion installs trust store as well.
Could API Manager be using a different version of java? I don't rememeber being asked on install.
I was hoping by making a topic here someone may have some experience adding a "Cf Discovery Server" that is https.
Thanks in advance for any insight and I will try my best to respond as quickly as possible to anyone that takes time away from there own stufff to help me here.
Setup Info: API Manager Locally on OS X the server with the APIs in on the same network but is not on the same machine. I work on a network with pretty strict firewall rules but I was able to consume all of the APIs prior to adding the certificate.
Also the API calls still work when you access them directly at (of course those break when you go to since it will not redirect to https automatically but that is yet another issue I need to overcome.)
Have something to add?