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ColdFusion Builder colors

Community Beginner ,
Aug 14, 2023 Aug 14, 2023

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I am using Coldfusion Builder Version 3.1.3

I want to know how to change the background color to black and the code color to white and other colors. 

How do I do it?





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Community Expert ,
Jan 03, 2024 Jan 03, 2024

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I realize this is a few months old, but since no one replied and you've not offered any follow-up, I'll ask first: might you be interested in changing the ENTIRE CFBuilder UI to be white on black (in other words, a "dark" theme)?  Or do you REALLY only want the editor window to be white text on black background?


Either can be done, via the Preferences feature of the old-school CFBuilder (based on Eclipse, as distinct from the "new" CFBuilder which since 2022 has been offered instead and only as a free VSCode extension). In Windows, that would be the Window>Preferences menu, and within that there are of course many settings pages. 


1) To change the entire UI to dark (or light), see that preference feature's General>Appearance page and its "Color and Font Theme", to choose between light or dark. (Old versions did not offer a setting to follow your OS's theme settings.)


2) To instead change JUST the coding window, see that preference feature's General>Editors>Text Editors page, and its "Appearance Color Options". In that, select "Background color" and click the "color" button to choese black (and press ok).  Then select "Foreground color" and make it white, and press ok. Then click "apply" to see the change take effect (while keeping this preferences feature window open), or "apply and close" to close the preferences feature window.


Note how these are independent from each other. You can have the them be dark and the code background be white, or vice-versa. (And FWIW, there are also ways to control colors in Eclipse by way of downloading and importing various "themes", such as https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/darkest-dark-theme-devstyle.)


3) Finally, if you don't care for the colors used for highlighting your CFML (in various respects), note that that can be changed separately as well, in the preference feature's ColdFusion>Profiles>Editor>Syntax Coloring, which shows all the different kinds of things that can be colored (tags, script, js, css, and sql--and different parts of each), where you can individually control the colors of each.


Even if you may have moved on from your need, I offer this in case it may help anyone else who finds this thread.


(BTW, I confirmed all this with CFBuilder 3.2.1--which is cfbuilder 2018, though I know you asked about 3.1.3--which I think is cfbuilder 2016. I'm pretty confident that you'll find the same capabilities in each, as I find discussions of changing this dark mode in Eclipse as far back as 2014.) 

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)




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Community Beginner ,
Sep 10, 2024 Sep 10, 2024

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Sorry, it's only been 6 months ... but today I followed your instructions and VOILA; it worked like a charm as expected. 





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Community Expert ,
Sep 10, 2024 Sep 10, 2024

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Good to hear, and glad to have helped. 


Next, you'll want to start considering the new CFBuilder (on vs code, both free). Adobe no longer supports that old one.


Granted, changing editors is VERY hard for most people. But you could run them at the same time without negative impact. And just as folks likely made their way only very slowly to the old cfb, the same could be done with the new. 🙂 

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)




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