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Sorry I think I may have asked this question in the past but now this has become a comedy of errors.
Simply put, there are two tables in the same DB containing rows of individuals last names, first, DOB etc,
Table 1 has 3000 records
Table 2 has 4000 in which the above 3000 are intermingled with no other matching identity except last name.
I need the query to pull out the 1000 names that were added.
No success yet on several approaches. Last names are nvarchar max, SQL Server.
<cfquery name="find_added_lastnames" datasource="#Request.BaseDSN#">
Select lastname1
from TABLE1
join TABLE2
on ' '+ lastname1+' ' not like '% '+ lastname2+' %'
ORDER BY lastname2 ASC
<cfquery name="find_added_lastnames" datasource="#Request.BaseDSN#">
SELECT lastname1, lastname2
FROM table1, table2
WHERE lastname1 NOT LIKE '%lastname2%'
ORDER BY lastname2 ASC
<cfquery name="find_added_lastnames" datasource="#Request.BaseDSN#">
SELECT lastname1, lastname2
FROM table1, table2
WHERE lastname1 NOT LIKE lastname2 + '%'
ORDER BY lastname2 ASC
Actually running the above query works with “LIKE” vs “NOT LIKE” returns- New Last Names: 14388 (cartesian product).
Plus several iterations of these.
Any help much appreciated.
Thank You- Norman B.
Did you do the test that Dave suggested? If so, what was the result?
A suggestion for the test:
<cfquery name="mainQ" datasource="name_of_your_datasource">
SELECT DISTINCT ged_lastname
FROM ged_main
ORDER BY ged_lastname
<cfquery name="comutf8Q" datasource="name_of_your_datasource">
SELECT DISTINCT ged_lastname_utf
FROM gedcomutf8
ORDER BY ged_lastname_utf
I think I did it- and I appreciate all the help from BKBK & Dave Watts!
I successfully added 147 new records to the main DB that did not match first & last names already there.
I used:
VALUES ( b.lastname, b.firstname
(SELECT a.lastname, a.firstname
WHERE a.lastname = b.lastname
AND a.firstname = b.firstname
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There is a simple solution I can think of. Select from Table2, using Table1 to filter by lastname.
That is,
SELECT firstname, lastname, dob, etc
FROM table2
WHERE lastname NOT IN (SELECT lastname FROM table1)
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BKBK Thank you so much for your help all these years! I'm 72 now & neen to finally keep a DB with all the queries that address what I often encounter- I'm still working on it.
So this query using NOT IN:
SELECT ged_lastname_utf, ged_firstname_utf
FROM gedcomutf8
WHERE ged_lastname_utf NOT IN
(SELECT ged_lastname, ged_firstname
FROM ged_main
ORDER BY ged_lastname ASC
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taking out , ged_firstname errors
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I do want to check both first and last names however.
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Sorry for all theres posts -this query does not error:
SELECT ged_lastname_utf, ged_firstname_utf
FROM gedcomutf8
WHERE ged_lastname_utf NOT IN
(SELECT ged_lastname
FROM ged_main
ORDER BY ged_lastname_utf ASC
But now returns 0 records which I know can't be true.
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Don't be so quick to assume it has to be true! Go to your SQL query tool and run this. You can run it in pieces if you need to - for example, run "SELECT ged_lastname FROM ged_main" first. You can simplify that by removing duplicate entries:
SELECT DISTINCT ged_lastname
FROM ged_main
ORDER BY ged_lastname
Then, run something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT ged_lastname_utf
FROM gedcomutf8
ORDER BY ged_lastname_utf
... and manually see if you have any overlap between the two lists.
Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC
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Dave thanks again for your help.
The table gedcomutf8 has about 4000 records.
The table ged_main has about 3000.
There is no PK in gedcomutf8, so the only columns that have anything close to a matching identity are last names & first names. 60% have multiple first names and even more have multiple last names separated by 'dit', ',' and or '/'.
I want to pull the names of the1000 added records contained in gedcomutf8 that do not match the ones in ged_main.
Sorry I've been stuggling with this for while. I have no choice but the deal with the new added records this way.
That's why I'm sure that the query will return like at least 800.
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Did you do the test that Dave suggested? If so, what was the result?
A suggestion for the test:
<cfquery name="mainQ" datasource="name_of_your_datasource">
SELECT DISTINCT ged_lastname
FROM ged_main
ORDER BY ged_lastname
<cfquery name="comutf8Q" datasource="name_of_your_datasource">
SELECT DISTINCT ged_lastname_utf
FROM gedcomutf8
ORDER BY ged_lastname_utf
Number of ged_main records: <cfoutput>#mainQ.recordcount#</cfoutput>
Number of gedcomutf8 records: <cfoutput>#comutf8Q.recordcount#</cfoutput>
<cfset maxRecordcount=max(mainQ.recordcount, comutf8Q.recordcount)>
Loop through both queries simultaneously.
Output the respective lastname-rows from ged_main and getcomutf8 side by side in a table.
<cfoutput >
<table border="1">
<cfloop from="1" to="#maxRecordcount#" index="n">
<td >
<cfif n lte mainQ.recordcount>#mainQ.ged_lastname[n]#<cfelse> </cfif>
<td >
<cfif n lte comutf8Q.recordcount>#comutf8Q.ged_lastname_utf[n]#<cfelse> </cfif>
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Hello- this query works great-
The results are:
Do any of the names in both columns match?
Number of ged_main records: 3396
Number of gedcomutf8 records: 3770
which indicates, if I am understanding this, that there are 374 distinct last names that are in gedcomutf8 that are not in ged_main. I can really work with this now and take it from here- much appreciated!
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Hello I'm still not able to read the results if you want to see it's here:
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This is using last names only just as you sent:
Also the ged_main table has a PK but the gedcomutf8 does not but has a column of unique values that came with the CSV.
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Hello again
My ultimate goal is to add the new entries from gedcomutf8 to ged_main.
If that could be accomplished easier? Say
insert into ged_main.
select lastname firstmame from gedcomutf8
where gedcomutf8 lastname firstmame NOT LIKE ged_main lastname firstmame ?
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I think I did it- and I appreciate all the help from BKBK & Dave Watts!
I successfully added 147 new records to the main DB that did not match first & last names already there.
I used:
VALUES ( b.lastname, b.firstname
(SELECT a.lastname, a.firstname
WHERE a.lastname = b.lastname
AND a.firstname = b.firstname