API : Create Order
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Copied API is not very friendly.
Took forever to get account balance authorized. Using same technique, same encoding I cannot get the order created. Always get unauthorized.
<cfscript> apiKey = "#cr_key#"; apiSecret = "#cr_s#"; hmacm = #req_path# & 121 & apikey & #unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#; CrHex = hmac(hmacm, apiSecret, "HmacSHA256"); theKeyBytes = charsetDecode(ApiSecret, "UTF-8"); crsign = lcase(hmac(hmacm, apiSecret, "HmacSHA256")); newbody = serializeJSON({ "api_key": "#cr_key#", "id": "121", "method": "#req_path#", "nonce": "#unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#", "params": {}, "sig": "#crsign#" }); </cfscript>
This works for account balance just fine.
hmacm = #req_path# & 121 & apikey & #unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#;
THIS is the HMACM getting envrypted which works is:
This HMACM has no parameters in it which are only {} in the body.
<CFHTTP METHOD="POST" URL="#base_api##req_path#" result="result"> <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/json"> <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#newbody#"> </cfhttp>
But below trying the order. I get Unauthorized no matter what.
<cfscript> apiKey = "#cr_key#"; apiSecret = "#cr_s#"; sparams = serializeJSON({ "instrument_name": "#symb#", "side": "#side#", "type": "#type#", "quantity": #size# }); hmacm = #req_path# & 121 & apikey & sparams & #unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#; CrHex = hmac(hmacm, apiSecret, "HmacSHA256"); theKeyBytes = charsetDecode(ApiSecret, "UTF-8"); crsign = lcase(hmac(hmacm, apiSecret, "HmacSHA256")); newbody = serializeJSON({ "api_key": "#cr_key#", "id": "121", "method": "#req_path#", "nonce": "#unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#", "params": deserializeJSON(sparams), "sig": "#crsign#" }); trybody = serializeJSON({ "id": "121", "method": "#req_path#", "params": deserializeJSON(sparams), "nonce": "#unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#" }); </cfscript>
For the ORDER HMACM I have tried both of these with the sparams (used to avoid params variable) and without:
hmacm = #req_path# & 121 & apikey & sparams & #unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#; hmacm = #req_path# & 121 & apikey & #unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#;
I have tried both these for the HMACM:
In the order I have tried both the newbody and trybody. Using the same CFHTTP.
<CFHTTP METHOD="POST" URL="#base_api##req_path#" result="result"> <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/json"> <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#newbody#"> </cfhttp>
I'm lost. Some exchanges I have got up and running in 30 minutes. API is proving to be very difficult. API Documentation link.
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<cfscript> apiKey = "#cr_key#"; apiSecret = "#cr_s#"; hmacm = #req_path# & 121 & apikey & #unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#; CrHex = hmac(hmacm, apiSecret, "HmacSHA256"); theKeyBytes = charsetDecode(ApiSecret, "UTF-8"); crsign = lcase(hmac(hmacm, apiSecret, "HmacSHA256")); newbody = serializeJSON({ "api_key": "#cr_key#", "id": "121", "method": "#req_path#", "nonce": "#unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#", "params": {}, "sig": "#crsign#" }); </cfscript>This works for account balance just fine.
hmacm = #req_path# & 121 & apikey & #unixdatetimeNow.getTime()#;
THIS is the HMACM getting envrypted which works is:
This HMACM has no parameters in it which are only {} in the body.
<CFHTTP METHOD="POST" URL="#base_api##req_path#" result="result"> <cfhttpparam type="header" name="Content-Type" value="application/json"> <cfhttpparam type="body" value="#newbody#"> </cfhttp>
By Shehryar25011190w0dc
Even though that works, it is still inefficient. That is because you are passing the API-Key in 2 ways:
- via a GET (as part of the URL variable hmacm);
- via a POST (as part of the newbody variable).
The link you've provided suggests that:
- the HTTP POST should be to a URL that ends in .../private/create-order
- the body should contain something like
<cfscript> newbody=serializeJSON({ "id": 11, "params": { "instrument_name": "ETH_CRO", "side": "BUY", "type": "LIMIT", "price": 100.12, "quantity": 1.2, "client_oid": "my_order_0002", "time_in_force": "GOOD_TILL_CANCEL", "exec_inst": "POST_ONLY" }, "nonce": #your_nonce_value# }); </cfscript>​
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