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Just realized my calendar code is not always displaying the day 1 of the month on the correct day.
So I went back to the date handle docs and cannot determine HOW to grab the value.
I would assume I would supply CF the month and year integers and it would provide a dayofweek?
Or not?
The method I am using now is clearly wrong. 😞
<cfset month_then=createdate("#year_then#","#monthis#", 01)>
<cfset month_starts_on_day=dayofweek(month_then)>
<cfset month_starts_on_day=month_starts_on_day-1> forget why I added this?
<cfif month_starts_on_day is 0>
<cfset month_starts_on_day=7>
<cfset dim=daysinmonth("#month_then#")>
<cfset dim_total=dim>
<cfset dim=dim+month_starts_on_day>
The arguments of createdate are integers, not strings. In any case you're on the right track.
I hope this example helps:
<cfset yearNumber=2019>
<cfset monthNumber=12>
<!--- Typo --->
<!--- <cfset firstDayOfMonthDate=createdate(yearNumber,monthNumber,15)>--->
<!--- Correct --->
<cfset firstDayOfMonthDate=createdate(yearNumber,monthNumber,1)>
<cfset weekdayNumber=dayOfWeek(firstDayOfMonthDate)>
<cfset weekdayName=dayOfWeekAsString(weekdayNumber)>
weekdayNumber: #weekdayNumber#<br
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The arguments of createdate are integers, not strings. In any case you're on the right track.
I hope this example helps:
<cfset yearNumber=2019>
<cfset monthNumber=12>
<!--- Typo --->
<!--- <cfset firstDayOfMonthDate=createdate(yearNumber,monthNumber,15)>--->
<!--- Correct --->
<cfset firstDayOfMonthDate=createdate(yearNumber,monthNumber,1)>
<cfset weekdayNumber=dayOfWeek(firstDayOfMonthDate)>
<cfset weekdayName=dayOfWeekAsString(weekdayNumber)>
weekdayNumber: #weekdayNumber#<br>
weekdayName: #weekdayName#
The output is:
weekdayNumber: 1
weekdayName: Sunday
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Bravo! As expected you would have the correct answer.
Yet, after implementing it, I do not understand WHY the 15?
True I was using unnecessary quotes - made it look like a string.
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The date in the example is
Year: 2019
Month: 12
Day: 15
That is, the date of today. 🙂
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That's not quite what I was looking for.
I was looking for the DAY of the week where 1=Sunday where
the day is the 1st of the month.
Which begs the question now WHY it is working in my code???
I just changed the 15 to a 1 in my code and am getting the exact same result.
Suppose because 15 is 1+14 and so it would still be the same day technically.
Coincidence. 🙂
(No such thing as a coincidence in life!)
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Oops, it's indeed a coincidence. There was a typo!
Correct is
<cfset firstDayOfMonthDate=createdate(yearNumber,monthNumber,1)>
Thanks for spotting that. To compensate, here is a function that generalizes the idea.
<cffunction name="getFirstdayOfMonth" returntype="struct">
<cfargument name="yr" required="true">
<cfargument name="mnth" required="true">
<cfargument name="d" required="false" default="1"><!--- Optional --->
<!---Output structure containing week-day number and name of first day of month --->
<cfset var firstDayOfMonth = structNew()>
<!--- First day of month --->
<cfset var firstDayOfMonthDate=createdate(arguments.yr,arguments.mnth,1)>
<!--- Input date --->
<cfset firstDayOfMonth.inputDate=createdate(arguments.yr,arguments.mnth,arguments.d)>
<cfset firstDayOfMonth.weekdayNumber=dayOfWeek(firstDayOfMonthDate)>
<cfset firstDayOfMonth.weekdayName=dayOfWeekAsString(firstDayOfMonth.weekdayNumber)>
<cfreturn firstDayOfMonth>
<cfset firstDayOfMonth = getFirstdayOfMonth(2019,12,17)>
Input date: #dateFormat(firstDayOfMonth.inputDate, "dd/mm/yyyy")#<br>
weekdayNumber: #firstDayOfMonth.weekdayNumber#<br>
weekdayName: #firstDayOfMonth.weekdayName#
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Now you're just showing off! 🙂
Where are my manners?
Cheers ...