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Error after accessing ColdFusion Administrator using the connector port

Adobe Employee ,
Oct 09, 2019 Oct 09, 2019

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UPDATE (10/10/2019): We’ve have now included binaries for 32-bit versions of ColdFusion. The locations are also updated.


Users who had installed Update 5 of ColdFusion (2018 release) and Update 12 of ColdFusion (2016 release) encountered an error after they'd tried accessing the ColdFusion Administrator using their connector port.

The issue was reported by a few users that it might impact all their websites. This issue appears if and only if you access the ColdFusion Administrator using the web server port.

We strongly recommend that you access ColdFusion Administrator only using the internal web server port (port 8500) without exposing the port externally.


However, if you still want to use the connector port, use these patches provided for your version of ColdFusion:


Unzip the files to any location in your computer.

To apply the patch, follow the steps below:



  1. Navigate to [CF Home]\config\wsconfig\[Magic folder for your connector].
  2. Take a backup of the file, isapi_redirect.dll.
  3. Copy the file isapi_redirect.dll from the link provided above.
  4. Copy it to the location, [CF Home]\config\wsconfig\[Magic folder for your connector].
  5. Restart the IIS website as well as it's Application Pool.



  1. Navigate to [Apache Home]\conf directory. (For ColdFusion 2016, this will be at [CF Home]\config\wsconfig[Magic folder for your connector])
  2. Take a backup of the file, mod_jk.so.
  3. Copy the file mod_jk.so file from the link provided above.
  4. Copy it to this location [Apache Home]\conf directory. (For ColdFusion 2016, this will be at [CF Home]\config\wsconfig[Magic folder for your connector]).
  5. Restart the Apache web server.






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