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Exception: An error has occured while trying to execute query :LDAP.owl.com:939; socket closed.

Enthusiast ,
Feb 15, 2016 Feb 15, 2016

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I have the following custom-application.cfm file and I kept getting the above error when trying to login.

<!--- Custom-Application.cfm --->

<cfparam name="Cas_Server_Secure" default="https://ash.owl.com/cas">

<!--- <cfparam name="ReturnURL" default="http://#cgi.server_name##cgi.script_name#?#cgi.query_string#"> --->

<cfparam name="ReturnURL" default="http://#cgi.server_name##cgi.script_name#">

<cfparam name="Session.CAS" default="">

<cfparam name="tempMember" default="">

<cfparam name="strstart" default="0">

<cfparam name="strend" default="0">

<cfparam name="teststring" default="">

<cfparam name="strtotalmember" default="">

<cfset session.updatedForGolive = 1 >

<!---include adf core--->

<cfset request.scriptsExecuted = "">

<cfinclude template="/ADF/core/load_site_adf.cfm">  


    <!--- <cfif not IsDefined("url.ticket") >

    <cfset ReturnURL = URLEncodedFormat(ReturnURL)>

    </cfif> --->

<cflock scope="Session" type="ReadOnly" timeout="5" throwontimeout="no">


      if (not IsStruct(Session.CAS))


            session.CAS = StructNew();

            session.CAS.IsAuthenticated = "";

            //session.CAS.owlTarget = "http://www2.owl.com";


            session.CAS.owlTarget = URLEncodedFormat(Replace(GetDirectoryFromPath(ReturnURL), "http://www.owl.com/", "http://www2.owl.com/" ));


    //Testing requestTarget

    //needs additional validation




<cfif not cgi.query_string contains "csModule=security/logout" and not cgi.SCRIPT_NAME contains "/commonspot/" >


    <cfif SERVER_PORT_SECURE eq 1 >

        <cfset ReturnURL ="https://#cgi.server_name##cgi.script_name#">



<cfif not FindNoCase("?login=1", ReturnURL) and not FindNoCase("login.cfm", ReturnURL) >


    <cfif not IsDefined("url.ticket") >

    <cfset ReturnURL = URLEncodedFormat(ReturnURL)>



    <cflock scope="Session" type="ReadOnly" timeout="5" throwontimeout="no">


                    if (not IsDefined("url.ticket")){

                            Session.CAS.owlTarget = ReturnURL;





<!--- <cfdump var="#session.CAS#"> --->

<!--- <cfabort> --->


//session.CAS.IsAuthenticated = "";

    //LDAP Starting Point

    LDAP.StartLevel="ou=owl users,dc=owl,dc=com";

    //Active Directory Server or IP Address




    //Switch to this when Bob is done


    //LDAP Service Port Number


    //LDAP Query Timeout (in seconds)



    // what to query for

    strAttributes = "cn,mail,memberOf,dn";


    //LDAP User to run query as ADDED by Bob

    // example: "domainName\userName";



    //LDAP User to run query as ADDED by Bob

    // example: "domainName\userName";


    //Password for LDAP User ADDED by Bob




<!--- if we have a url.ticket then we need to get the users userid back from CAS --->                  

<cfif isDefined("url.ticket")>  

    <!--- Ticket returned from CAS on initial login --->

    <!--- Now we've gotten the service ticket so we must validate it --->

            <cfset casurl = CAS_Server_Secure & "/serviceValidate?ticket=" & url.ticket & "&service=" & "#Session.cas.owlTarget#">

            <cfhttp url="#casurl#" method="get" proxyserver="mstmgproxy.owl.com" proxyport="8080"></cfhttp>

            <!--- Strip out the username that is returned from CAS --->


            <!--- if ticket has expired.  Send back to CAS to reauthenticate --->

            <cfif cfhttp.filecontent contains "not recognized">

                 <cflocation url="#Cas_Server_Secure#/login?service=#Session.cas.owlTarget#" addtoken="No">



            myxmldoc = XmlParse(cfhttp.filecontent);

            selectedElements = XmlSearch(myxmldoc, "cas:serviceResponse/cas:authenticationSuccess/cas:user");

            if(isArray(selectedElements) AND NOT ArrayIsEmpty(selectedElements)) {

            //valid ticket found

            ULuserid = selectedElements[1].XmlText;

            LDAP.user = #ULuserid#;



            //invalid ticket

            ULuserid = 0;



                <!--- <cfdump var="#Cas_Server_Secure#/login?service=#ReturnURL#">

                                <cfabort> --->


        <cfif NOT ULuserid is 0>

                <!--- User ID returned with CAS Ticket --->

                <!--- <cfdump var="#ULuserid#">

                                     <cfabort> --->

         <cfset LDAP.User="#ULuserid#">




                    <!--- note removed port attribute??????????? --->

                    <!--- Added application ldapuser and pwd these never change --->



                    server = "#LDAP.server#"

                    action = "query"

                    name = "loginResult"

                    start = "#LDAP.startLevel#"

                    attributes = "#strAttributes#"

                    sort = "cn ASC"

                       filter = "cn=#ldap.user#"

                    port = "939"

                    username = "owl\#ldap.auser#"

                    password = "#LDAP.Password#">



                <cfif loginresult.recordcount>


                        server = "#LDAP.server#"

                        action = "query"

                        name = "groupresult"

                        start = "ou=owl groups,dc=owl,dc=com"

                        attributes = "dn,name"

                        sort = "cn ASC"

                        filter = "(&(objectclass=group)(member=#loginResult.dn#))"

                        port = "939"

                        username = "owl\#ldap.auser#"

                        password = "#LDAP.Password#">



                <cfif groupresult.recordcount>

                    <cfldap action="query"



                    start = "ou=owl groups,dc=owl,dc=com"


                    port = "939"

                    server = "#LDAP.server#"

                    sort="cn ASC"

                    username = "owl\#ldap.auser#"

                    password = "#LDAP.Password#"




                        for ( i=1; i LTE getGroups.RecordCount; i=(i+1)){

                                    teststring = getGroups["memberof"];

                                    if ( teststring neq "")


                                            strstart =0;




                                                if(Findnocase("cn=",teststring,0) neq 0){

                                                strstart = Findnocase("cn=",teststring,0);

                                                strend = Findnocase(",",teststring,strstart);

                                                //Get group

                                                tempMember = mid(teststring,strstart,strend-strstart);

                                                teststring = Replace(teststring, tempMember, "");

                                                strtotalmember = strtotalmember &","& replacenocase(tempMember, "cn=", "");



                                             While (Findnocase("cn=",teststring,0));  






                    strtotalmember    = valuelist(groupresult.name) & strtotalmember;  






            <!--- if we found a user and group then authorize the person --->   

            <!--- Requires finding groups --->

            <!--- <cfif (loginresult.recordcount) and (groupresult.recordcount)> --->


             <cfif (loginresult.recordcount)>


                    <!--- Fix for Alumni Users with Numeric userids --->

                    <cfif IsNumeric(Mid(ULuserid, 1, 1))>

                        <cfset ULuserid = "owl" & #ULuserid#>

                                <!--- <cfoutput>#ULuserid#</cfoutput> --->

                        <!--- <cfexit> --->


                        <!--- // authorize the user --->

                        <cfmodule template="/commonspot/security/populate-user-struct.cfm"

                                                        defaultUserID = "#ULuserid#"

                                                        defaultGroupNames = "#strtotalmember#"

                                                        defaultGroupIDs = ""

                                                        additionalGroupNames = "#strtotalmember#">


                            <cfif session.user.LICENSEDCONTRIBUTOR eq 0 >


                                    <CFLOCK SCOPE="Session" TYPE="Exclusive"

                                            TIMEOUT="5" THROWONTIMEOUT="Yes">

                                        <cfquery DATASOURCE="#session.user.USERSDATASOURCE#" NAME="updateContributor">

                                           UPDATE Users

                                           SET LicensedContributor = '1'

                                           WHERE ID = #session.user.id#


                                    <cfset session.user.LicensedContributor = "1">



                                <cfcatch><cfoutput>Error Occurred</cfoutput>





                <!--- We have a valid userid --->


                    session.CAS.IsAuthenticated = "Yes";

                    session.CAS.userid = "#ULuserid#";

                    session.CAS.groups = "#strtotalmember#";


                        <!--- <cfdump var="#session#">


                                    <cfabort> --->              

                        <cflocation url="#URLDecode(Session.CAS.owlTarget)#" addtoken="No">



                <cflocation url="http://#cgi.server_name##request.subsitecache[1].url#restricted.cfm" addtoken="No">







<!--- <cfdump var="#session.user#"> --->

And this the CommonSpot error log.

Entry Date/Time: 2016-02-15 06:42:54.873

>> error processing custom application module (/owl/custom-application.cfm)


Exception: An error has occured while trying to execute query :LDAP.owl.com:939; socket closed.

~~~~~ CommonSpot Instance Details ~~~~~

Request ID: 18979 (1)
Request accepted: 2016-02-15 06:42:54
CommonSpot Build: Build
CFML Engine: ACF

CFML Engine Version: ColdFusion Server (Apache Tomcat/7.0.54)

JVM version: 1.7.0_67-b01 - [64 bits, Windows Server 2008 R2]
JVM memory (MB):  max:7282 total:2696.5 free:530.23

CFML Engine Started: 2016-02-12 06:57:23.413 (running for 3 days)

commonspot.jar: built 2014-10-14 14:20:11
jar path: C:/owlweb/commonspot/java/commonspot.jar
Server ID: 1 (Master?:1) Site ID: 1 Subsite ID:5896
User ID: 0[anonymous] - Groups: 0


Request (GET) from

Server: www2.owl.com Port: 80 Script: '/computer-science/index.htm'
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:44.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/44.0
Args: ticket=ST-18814-KuWWvmIRIMzEQavnVDwU-ASH


Operation: query :LDAP.owl.com:939; socket closed
Message: An error has occured while trying to execute query :LDAP.owl.com:939; socket closed.
Type: Application
Detail: One or more of the required attributes may be missing or incorrect or you do not have permissions to execute this operation on the server.

Thread 'ajp-bio-8012-exec-2' [ID=77, State='RUNNABLE']

... request started at 2016-02-15 06:42:54.763[running 125 milliseconds]

...  Request (GET) from

... Server: www2.owl.com Port: 80 Script: '/computer-science/index.htm'

   ...request mode: : read

minimized stack with 57 entries

   0: ........coldfusion.tagext.net.LdapTag.doStartTag[ldaptag.java:777]

   1: ........coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTcfTag[cfjsppage.java:2795]

   2: CFM....cfcustom2dapplication2ecfm992673038.runPage

   6: CFM....cfsite2dapplication2dmeat2ecfm185143928._factor10[{CS Root}/commonspot/startup/site-application-meat.cfm:527]

   7: CFM....cfsite2dapplication2dmeat2ecfm185143928._factor13[{CS Root}/commonspot/startup/site-application-meat.cfm:397]

   8: CFM....cfsite2dapplication2dmeat2ecfm185143928.runPage[{CS Root}/commonspot/startup/site-application-meat.cfm:1]

  13: CFM....cfsite2dapplication2ecfm72844038.runPage[{CS Root}/commonspot/site-application.cfm:23]

  17: CFM....cfApplication2ecfm1010495360.runPage






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