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How I can acceed tp my db sqlserver?

New Here ,
Apr 16, 2006 Apr 16, 2006

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Inside a query I have this code:
<CFQUERY DATASOURCE="#application.DSN#" USERNAME="#application.USERNAME#" PASSWORD="#application.PASSWORD#" NAME="name">

So I opned my file application.cfm

I tought to find these data:

1) the ULR of the database: ex.
2) The name of my database
3) The password

But I found: (exemple):

<cfset Application.DSN = "BOkjpo">
<cfset Application.USERNAME = "poeindie">
<cfset Application.PASSWORD = "ponioiijim">
<cfset Application.URL = http://www.denverod3.com">

Where I can found the db? Where i have to go to acceed to it.

Secondly I know that the database is SQLserver, Do you can suggest me a free software to admin sqlserver?
Now I use phpmyadmin for mysql and I would like to use a similar administrator software for sqlserver too.





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Community Expert ,
Apr 17, 2006 Apr 17, 2006

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software to admin sqlserver?
You probably have it already. MS SQL Server usually comes with an Enterprise Manager.

To open it in Windows, follow Start => Run , type C:\WINNT\system32\mmc.exe /s "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN\SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC" and press OK.




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New Here ,
Apr 17, 2006 Apr 17, 2006

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Thanks but I have not understant what I have to do.

I know that the database is SQL server but I don't know the sql version.

First of all I need to download a free program software to accedd to sql server and then I have to digit the user e password to acceed to my db.

I don't know sql server because I never used it, I use mysql and the software phpmyadmin.

I am searching a sofwatre similar to phpmy admin and would like to know what I have to use to connect to my db.

<cfset Application.DSN = "BOkjpo">
<cfset Application.USERNAME = "poeindie">
<cfset Application.PASSWORD = "ponioiijim">
<cfset Application.URL = http://www.denverod3.com">

What I have to use to acceed to my db?

>To open it in Windows, follow Start => Run , type C:\WINNT\system32\mmc.exe /s "C:\Program >Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\BINN\SQL Server Enterprise Manager.MSC" and press OK.

I don't understand your suggestion, ( the db is online on a server, it is not on my pc).






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Community Expert ,
Apr 17, 2006 Apr 17, 2006

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I don't understand your suggestion, ( the db is online on a server, it is not on my pc).
The instruction indeed assumes the db is on your pc. There is an alternative way to get the information. However, you will need to have a login password for the Coldfusion Administrator. Here, I'm assuming it is "ponioiijim".

adminObj = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.administrator").login("ponioiijim");
myObj = createObject("component","cfide.adminapi.datasource");
<cfdump var="#myObj.getDatasources().BOkjpo#">




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Engaged ,
Apr 17, 2006 Apr 17, 2006

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I think you all may be skirting his issue, assuming he is in control of his own SQL server or something.

If he has a web account with SQL server (on a 3rd party) then he doesn;t have direct access to the SQL server, just the DB info as supplied by the application file.

The DSN and USER/PASS are found in that application file, but it is assumed you know what tables are in the database and know how to access, create, manage those tables. The server address is actually stored in the CF Administrator; and if you are on a 3rd party hoster, you likely will not have access to that.

No 3rd party software is going to help you acess the SQL server DB for your site unless you have that server address.

Does your hoster supply a control panel for your website? If yes, then you can likely find the SQL server information in that area. If not, they could have sent you the information in an email or something. You should contact them directly to ask them how to access the SQL server remotely. They may simply only allow creation, deletion, and management of the SQL database from within CF code itself, which you would have to know how to program.

When you do find out the SQL server address and database name, just use the USER/PASS info along with some type of interface such as the SQL Express Admin software supplied by MS ( http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=fa87e828-173f-472e-a85c-27ed01cf6b02&Displa...) or even via MS Access ADP ( if you have MS Access)

The key is to first find out that server address, which they should have supplied.

Of course, if you actually run your own CF and SQL setup, I have to ask why you can't figure out where all that information is.




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Apr 17, 2006 Apr 17, 2006

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There may or may not be something out there for free, but even if there is, do you have permission to connect to that database?




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New Here ,
Apr 17, 2006 Apr 17, 2006

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Thanks Dan

>There may or may not be something out there for free, but even if there is, do you have permission to >connect to that database?

I can acceed to the file of the web site.
Inside these file there will be a file that will have the user password and IP of the database, I suppose.

Before every query there is <CFQUERY DATASOURCE="#application.DSN#" USERNAME="#application.USERNAME#" PASSWORD="#application.PASSWORD#" NAME="name">

Watching that I opened the file application.cfm and I read that:
<cfset Application.DSN = "BOkjpo">
<cfset Application.USERNAME = "poeindie">
<cfset Application.PASSWORD = "ponioiijim">
<cfset Application.URL = http://www.denverod3.com">

So I think that then I should copy and past this data inside the software to connect to my sqlserver db.

Do you could suggest me a free software to connect to sqlserver db?






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