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Hi All,
We are using ColdFusion 2018 and a Oracle 11G Database. I am trying to redirect users to a change password page when the username is expired. Users are database users who access the ColdFusion front-end. As of now we get an error message as shown below. Upon clicking login(submit button) , users go to the authenticate.cfm page which displays the error messsage shown below, instead of this I would like them to another page within the application called changepassword.cfm (I already have this page). What is the easisest way to do this redirection ? Thanks for your help.
"Error Occurred While Processing Request. Please try again.
Hi iq11, yes LDAP is possible. We in fact use it. But that is a new question.
Please close this thread as answered, and start a new thread with your LDAP question. In so doing, you will help others who come to the forum looking for a solution.
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To be sure I understand correctly, you wish to redirect users to a password change page when their database password expires. If so, then you could do something like
<!--- authenticate.cfm --->
try {
/* Authentication code involving database query */
} catch (database dbException) {
/* Enable this, in the test phase at the beginning, to see what dbException.detail looks like when the exception occurs! (I have assumed that dbException.detail contains the phrase 'password has expired')*/
if (dbException.detail contains "password has expired") {
location (url="http://...etc./changePassword.cfm");
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Thanks BKBK, your help is much appreciated, this exactly what I am looking for.
I tried modificying the authenticate.cfm file as shown in the code below , the <cfscript> beginning tag is having a closing tag </cfscript> tag but I get an error which states
"The start tag must have a matching end tag. An explicit end tag can be provided by adding </cfscript>. If the body of the tag is empty, you can use the shortcut <cfscript .../>. The CFML compiler was processing: A cfscript tag beginning on line 106, column 2. A cfscript tag beginning on line 106, column 2."
-- Code used in authenticate.cfm is given below
<CFLOGINUSER name="#Session.UserName#" password="#Session.Password#" roles="">
<cfif dbtype is 'oracle'>
try {
<cfquery name="LookUp" datasource="#datasource#" username=#Form.UserName# password=#Form.password#>
SELECT max(ipn) FROM dbo.look_up
catch (database dbException) {
/* Enable this, in the test phase at the beginning, to see what dbException.detail looks like when the exception occurs! (I have assumed that dbException.detail contains the phrase 'password has expired')*/
if (dbException.detail contains "password has expired") {
location (url="http://atfw01/aPS/changePassword.cfm");
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You get an error because of the incorrect mixing of script syntax and tag syntax. As you seem to prefer tags, use something like:
<cfif dbtype is 'oracle'>
<cfquery name="LookUp" datasource="#datasource#" username="#Form.UserName#" password="#Form.password#">
SELECT max(ipn) FROM dbo.look_up
<cfcatch type="database">
<!--- Enable this, in the test phase at the beginning, to see what dbException.detail looks like when the exception occurs! (I have assumed that dbException.detail contains the phrase 'password has expired')--->
<!--- <cfdump var="#dbException#">--->
<cfif dbException.detail contains "password has expired">
<cflocation url="http://atfw01/aPS/changePassword.cfm">
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Hi iq11
Did you get this to work? Is your question answered?
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yes it redirects to the Changepassword page but on the changepasswordaction page
the following code does not seem to get executed. Upon hitting submit the action page whoich nhas thew code as shown below is not getting executed the page continues to be on the same page where the users is asked to change password , the action page is not getting executed.,
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Any updates on how to solve this ?
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iq11 did you read the previous posts? I told you why you were getting errors and I suggested a solution.
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yes I did read the suggestions and tried them, its working but the redirect page takes me to a change password page and from there when I hit the submit button the action program behing this does nt oseem to work, it just keeps the control on the same page. Code is shown below
<cfapplication name="eAPS"
SESSIONTIMEOUT = #CreateTimeSpan(1,0,0,0)#
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_style1.css">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<cfif #Form.newpassword# IS NOT #Form.verifypassword#>
<div align="center">
<p> </p>
<p>You have entered 2 different new passwords, it is possible you made a typo in either the new password or the verify password fields. Please <a href="ChangePassword.cfm">try
again</a>. </p>
<cfquery name="changepassword" datasource="#datasource#" Username="#Form.login#" password="#Form.Password#">
alert('Your password has been changed.');
document.location = 'default.cfm';
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What you're now asking is a new question.
Your oriiginal question was:
"Upon clicking login(submit button) , users go to the authenticate.cfm page which displays the error messsage shown below, instead of this I would like them to another page within the application called changepassword.cfm (I already have this page). What is the easisest way to do this redirection ?"
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What is the name of the page you've shown here?
What is the action of the form?
What do you want to happen between the form page and the page you've shown here?
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The name of the page shown here changepasswordaction.cfm this is the action program which should be called when the previous page changepassword.cfm is used to click the submit button and it should get redirected to the homepage which is the login page but this does not happen and the user continues to be at the same page changepassword.cfm
What could be done to fix this ?
If I use <cftry> <cfactach> I see the following error code
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First and foremost, you have mistakenly placed the Application.cfm code here. Save it apart as follows:
<cfapplication name="eAPS"
SESSIONTIMEOUT = #CreateTimeSpan(1,0,0,0)#
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_style1.css">
<body bgcolor="##FFFFFF">
<cfif Form.newpassword IS NOT Form.verifypassword>
<div align="center">
<p> </p>
<p>You have entered 2 different new passwords, it is possible you made a typo in either the new password or the verify password fields. Please <a href="ChangePassword.cfm">try
again</a>. </p>
<cfquery name="changepassword" datasource="#datasource#" Username="#Form.login#" password="#Form.Password#">
ALTER USER <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#FORM.LOGIN#"> IDENTIFIED BY <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#LCase(FORM.VERIFYPASSWORD)#">
alert('Your password has been changed.');
document.location = 'default.cfm';
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Thanks bkbk, I think I could make some progress. But now I get the following error
Error Executing Database Query. |
[Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-28001: the password has expired |
The error occurred in C:/inetpub/wwwroot/eAPS/ChangePasswordAction.cfm: line 18 |
16 : <cfelse> 17 : <cfquery name="changepassword" datasource="#datasource#" Username="#Form.login#" password="#Form.Password#"> 18 : ALTER USER <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="VARCHAR" value="#FORM.LOGIN#"> IDENTIFIED BY <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="VARCHAR" value="#LCase(FORM.VERIFYPASSWORD)#"> 19 : </cfquery> 20 : <script> |
Resources: |
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There is no ColdFusion error, so we're on to a good start. Check out the suggestions in
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Hi bkbk,
Thanks for your help, we have decided to use LDAP for authentication, so basically since the previous approach was not working, we would like to do the authentication suing LDAP instead of using Oracle usernames. Will this be possible , if yes then how can we do it , please advice ?
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Hi iq11, yes LDAP is possible. We in fact use it. But that is a new question.
Please close this thread as answered, and start a new thread with your LDAP question. In so doing, you will help others who come to the forum looking for a solution.
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I have opened another thread shown below in the link , for the LDAP issue