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How To Upload File Input With Multiple As Unique Field

New Here ,
Sep 21, 2022 Sep 21, 2022

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I have a form that has a file input with the multiple attribute set. This form might also have other file uploads.

If I use the FileUpload function specifying the multi-file input it will only upload the first file. If I use the FileUploadAll I cannot specify an input name, and it will upload all documents from all upload fields. It doesn't retain any information about which field the files came from, so I now have a jumble of files that I cannot usefully assign anywhere.

In the FORM variables we get temp file names e.g. "neotmp11170355642215183856.tmp", but there is no information that I can find that would allow me to cross reference this to the results of FileUploadAll.

I did see a post about using binary read operating on the temp filenames in the FORM variable, but this won't help as there is no information available telling me what the uploaded file was supposed to be (pdf/doc/etc) and the original filename.

Is there any way around this where I can upload multiple files from "fileFieldA", and separately upload single files from "fileFieldB" and "fileFieldC" etc.?







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