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IIS 10.0 ColdFsuion2021 Webserver 2019 IsapiModule problem

New Here ,
Feb 08, 2023 Feb 08, 2023

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For a new installation, I get an error 500 with the detailed information as follow:

Module: IsapiModule

Notification: ExecuteRequestHandler
handler: cfmHandler
Error Code: 0x800700c1


I checked that IISUser has permissions in c:ColdFusion2021/config and at the physical path of the directory I try to access.

ColdFusion administrator works with the 8500 port. Does it means taht the error is with IIS or could it be something I have not set properly?

I also checked everything suggested on the following post:



Any suggestion on how to fix this 500 error that was not covered by the previous link?

Connector , Security , Server administration






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Feb 08, 2023 Feb 08, 2023

My experience with that specific code is that it happens when the bit-level of the app pool is incorrect for the bit-level of the choice made when you created the connector with the wsconfig tool.


This is discussed in that technote. What is the bit level of the app pool for the affected site? Have you simply tried changing it?


And what is the bit level of cf itself? (Prior to cf2018, you could install cf either as 64-bit or 32-bit.) You can tell by looking at the admin "settings summary" pag




Community Expert ,
Feb 08, 2023 Feb 08, 2023

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My experience with that specific code is that it happens when the bit-level of the app pool is incorrect for the bit-level of the choice made when you created the connector with the wsconfig tool.


This is discussed in that technote. What is the bit level of the app pool for the affected site? Have you simply tried changing it?


And what is the bit level of cf itself? (Prior to cf2018, you could install cf either as 64-bit or 32-bit.) You can tell by looking at the admin "settings summary" page, and the Java version info. Does it say 64-bit? If not, it's 32-bit.


There is a LOT to juggle here, just to understand then to fix. It could take just minutes to resolve, but it's a LOT to try to convey in words here. 


If what I write or others helps, great. If you "just need it fixed", know that I can help directly, remotely. For more, see carehart.org/consulting. 

/Charlie (troubleshooter, carehart.org)





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