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Installing CF Builder 3 into Flash Builder 4.7

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Sep 20, 2016 Sep 20, 2016

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Anyone know how to get Flash Builder 4.7 and ColdFusion Builder 3 working together in the same instance of Eclipse, rather than having them installed separately as two stand-alone programs?

Here's what I've done so far:

I have Flash Builder 4.7 installed as a stand-alone program, and I wanted to install CF Builder 3 into its instance of Eclipse, rather than installing CF Builder 3 as its own separate program.  I use ColdFusion in my Flex remoting stuff, and I often need to edit ColdFusion .CFC files while I'm working on Flex projects.  I had ColdFusion Builder 2 installed inside Flash Builder 4.7 on our old test-server with no problems...

For our new test-server, we purchased ColdFusion 11, and it came with ColdFusion Builder 3 for free, so I want to use that instead of the ColdFusion Builder 2 that I've been using.

I've installed Flash Builder 4.7 on our new test server, and it's working fine.  When I install ColdFusion Builder 3, I select "Eclipse Plugin installation" and then select the "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 bit)" folder as the Eclipse folder.  (I have tried selecting "C:\Users\LMacNeill\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7\eclipse" as the eclipse folder, but then the installer comes back with "this is not a valid eclipse folder" for some reason.)

Anyway, the installer accepts "C:\Users\LMacNeill\Adobe Flash Builder 4.7" as a valid Eclipse folder, and it goes through its installation procedures -- the install log *says* it's successful.

But when I launch Flash Builder 4.7, I see no ColdFusion perspectives installed.  When I open a .CFC file, it does not recognize it as a ColdFusion file, it just thinks it's a regular text file.

On our old test-server, there was a file called "cfbuilder.link" that was created in the 'dropins' folder inside the Flash Buider 4.7 folder.  That file contained the path of the CF Builder 2 plugins.  So I recreated that file on the new test-server, and pointed it to the proper path for the CF Builder 3 plugins folder.  But that didn't work.  Still no CF Builder 3 inside Flash Builder 4.7.

Anyone know how to get Flash Builder 4.7 and ColdFusion Builder 3 working together in the same instance of Eclipse, rather than having them installed separately as two stand-alone programs?


Laurence MacNeill

Ball Ground, Georgia, USA







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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Contributor , Sep 23, 2016 Sep 23, 2016

After a *lot* of installing and uninstalling of FB 4.7, CFB 3, and Eclipse of various versions, I have come to the conclusion that it is not possible to install ColdFusion Builder 3 and Flash Builder 4.7 into the same instance of Eclipse.

I am giving up and going back to ColdFusion Builder 2.  I had FB 4.7 and CFB 2 in the same Eclipse install on my old server.  I'll just have to live with the fact that I cannot upgrade to ColdFusion Builder 3 because Adobe is ridiculous and won't support Eclipse




Contributor ,
Sep 23, 2016 Sep 23, 2016

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After a *lot* of installing and uninstalling of FB 4.7, CFB 3, and Eclipse of various versions, I have come to the conclusion that it is not possible to install ColdFusion Builder 3 and Flash Builder 4.7 into the same instance of Eclipse.

I am giving up and going back to ColdFusion Builder 2.  I had FB 4.7 and CFB 2 in the same Eclipse install on my old server.  I'll just have to live with the fact that I cannot upgrade to ColdFusion Builder 3 because Adobe is ridiculous and won't support Eclipse properly.





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