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I am new to coldfusion and need some "schooling" on this matter. I installed Coldfusion2016 as a .war file (cfusion.war, a JEE install option) in the webapps folder in apache tomcat 9.x directory. It created a cfusion folder and under the cfusion folder I have: cf_scripts, CFIDE, META-INF, WEB-INF folder and a crossdomain.xml file. I can access the administrator file, or go the administrator website of coldfusion, using "localhost/cfusion/CFIDE/administrator"
My question is when I want to create a coldfusion project or put a coldfusion file to run in the server, where do i put the files. Do I put it in the apache tomcat webapps folder, cfusion directory or CFIDE directory folder? Which is my root folder where I should be placing my coldfusion stuff? Where is the webapps folder for the coldfusion2016 install in apache tomcat server?
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In that configuration, your CF files would be placed right in the /cfusion folder. This is different from a "normal" CF install, so you will see lots of path-related differences in documentation and samples.
Dave Watts, Fig Leaf Software
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Thank you!