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I have three queries on my page:
1) Query #1: calculates a leave time value (ex 100)
2) Query #2: calculates a used time value: (ex 8)
3) Query #3 is a query of queries that should calculate the difference between the first two values.
First two are working fine, but QoQ is giving me the following error:
The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code.
Null Pointers are another name for undefined values.
What is the issue here?
<!---Create "Accrued Leave Time" (for current year) Dataset --->
<cfquery name="rsAvailableLeaveTime" datasource="care">
SELECT COALESCE(SUM(tblleavetime.ltHours),0) AS Accrued_LeaveTime, ltUser
FROM tblleavetime LEFT OUTER JOIN tblusers ON tblusers.username = tblleavetime.ltUser
WHERE tblleavetime.ltUser = <cfqueryparam value="#SESSION.kt_login_user#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
AND YEAR(tblleavetime.ltCreated) = YEAR(CURDATE())
<!---Create "Used Leave Time" (for current year) Dataset --->
<cfquery name="rsUsedLeaveTime" datasource="care">
SELECT COALESCE(SUM(lqHoursPL),0) AS Used_LeaveTimePL, COALESCE(SUM(lqHoursPB),0) AS Used_LeaveTimePB, COALESCE(SUM(lqHoursUL),0) AS Used_LeaveTimeUL, lqUser,
COALESCE(SUM(lqHoursPL),0) AS Used_LeaveTimeSum
FROM tblleaverequest
WHERE tblleaverequest.lqUser = <cfqueryparam value="#SESSION.kt_login_user#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="255">
AND lqApproved LIKE "Y"
AND YEAR(tblleaverequest.lqStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE())
<!---Create "Remaining Leave Time" using a QoQ (for current year) Dataset --->
<cfquery name="rsRemainingLeaveTime" dbtype="query">
SELECT *, Accrued_LeaveTime - Used_LeaveTimeSum AS Remaining_LeaveTime
FROM rsAvailableLeaveTime, rsUsedLeaveTime
WHERE ltUser = lqUser
I was able to fix my issue by doing the following:
1) I created a sub-query VIEW to do the YEAR filtering
2) then I used that VIEW as the source query for my original second query
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When I do a cfdump on the third query (QoQ) I get:
I've tried everything such as:
- scoping the columns
- using CAST on the columns
- I already have COALESCE on the first two queries columns that are feeding the QoQ
I just cannot get this query to give me any output?
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The issue is actually with the second query..
- I removed the date filter: AND YEAR(tblleaverequest.lqStartDate) = YEAR(CURDATE()) and the error goes away?
- It's caused only when the query returns no records.
- How can I make it return a '0' when no records are available?
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I was able to fix my issue by doing the following:
1) I created a sub-query VIEW to do the YEAR filtering
2) then I used that VIEW as the source query for my original second query