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this sentence below is working fine on Coldfusion 11 and previous version, but it throws exceptions when the application is deployed on Coldfusion 2016
Could anyone give some advice on this issue?
<cfset SubjectText = Replace(#SubjectText#,"%Request.RequestID%",#Request.RequestID#,"All")>
the value of #Request.RequestID# is a number
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Can you give exact examples of what you are using for each variable.
I tried this and dont get any issues with it. - See Example
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yes it works in CF 11 and previous versions but not working in CF 12
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firstly i get the result from db:
<cfquery name="Request" DATASOURCE="WES" >
WHERE RequestID = #RequestID#
then do the replace of some text template
<cfset SubjectText = Replace(#SubjectText#,"%Request.RequestID%",#Request.RequestID#,"All")>
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What are the actual values though? What does SubjectText and RequestID represent?
If you replace these with the actual values does the same thing happen?
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The first thing that I noticed (and this may or may not be part of the issue) is that you are naming the query object using a reserved word: request (as in the request scope.)
<cfset SubjectText = replace(SubjectText,"%Request.RequestID%",Request.RequestID,"all") />
Are you only trying to take an ID number surrounded by percent signs and remove the percent signs?
EDIT: Seems to me that if you're just trying to remove the percent signs, then nested inside the percent signs should be hashmarks because the variable is contained within string demarcation.
<cfset SubjectText = replace(SubjectText,"%#Request.RequestID#%",Request.RequestID,"all") />
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You shouldn't need the pound signs (#) around the variable Request.RequestID, although it appears to work even with them.
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i removed the pound , but still get the same error
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Definitely looks like I bug. I ran into the same issue. Like the error says, CF is failing to convert a BigDecimal to a string in order to use it in the replace function. This should work for you.
<cfset SubjectText = Replace(SubjectText,"%Request.RequestID%",javaCast('String',Request.RequestID),"All")>
For reference, here is an example that fails. In my case, the real value for the theBigDecimal was being generated by selecting an integer column from a simple query against Oracle. As you can see below, the javacast from bigdecimal to string works, but whatever it is doing in the replace function fails. I'll see if I can find were to file the bug.
theBigDecimal = javaCast("bigdecimal", 123456);
theBigDecimalasString = javaCast("String", theBigDecimal);
newString = replace('This is my text with documentID in it','documentID',theBigDecimalasString);
writeDump('This Works: ' & newString);
writeDump('This Fails:');
newString = replace('This is my text with documentID in it','documentID',theBigDecimal);
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added to bug base