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License Activation Issues with CF2021

New Here ,
Apr 06, 2021 Apr 06, 2021

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Has anyone had license activation issues with CF2021? We have been experiencing license issues in all the servers we have installed at different times.


Server 1 - We had CF2021 installed, but this machine did not have internet connectivity, hence we did the offline activation and activated the license for Enterprise version. However CF lost its license activation suddenly and reverted back to trial version.


Server 2 - CF2021 was installed, server had internet connectivty, so the license key worked when applied through CF Admin console and activated as Enterprise version, ran for a month without any issues. Package manager was run to install reporting servlet, this also applied the Updater 1 in the background, 2 hours after this update, the server lost its license again, CF was trying to validate the cached license and then stopped after that. The next day we started the service and everything started working again.


Server 3 - CF2021 was installed, license was activated through CF Admin console automatically (no manual activation) and worked fine as Enterprise version for a day. The next day we applied Updater 1 and it reverted back to Enterprise Trial version. This server has limited connectivity to internet, hence we tried to activate again using offline activation, but we get the error as “Activation response file is invalid”, we followed the steps recommended by Adobe.


We would appreciate any feedback and if anyone else has faced these kind of issues.









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