UNION could be the way to go. the query results will have to
match up
between the 2 queries (field data types need to match for
both queries)
<cfquery name="qryMergedQueries" dbtype="query">
SELECT * FROM query1
SELECT * FROM query2
kruse wrote:
> Is it possible to merge 2 query results?
> I have a function that returns a querey result.
> < CFSET temp = query1>
> <CFSET FNCTransfers = temp>
> Now I want to change the query to return a merged query
> < CFSET temp = query1>
> <CFSET temp2 = query2>
> Is it possible to merge the two results?
> Some thing like this (I know that it cannot be done like
> <CFSET FNCTransfers = temp1 & temp2>
> Maby it should be a union and query of query?