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Migrating a few websites from CF 4.5 to 2018 (I know!) and could use some assistance. Seems CF 2018 doesn't like my syntax:
<cfquery name="CalCount" datasource="#dsn#">
WHERE Approved = 1
AND Caldate > #now()# -1
AND WebsiteID=#application.WebsiteID#</cfquery>
Seems #now()# converts to{ts '2021-06-10 07:26:22'}
SELECT ID FROM Calendar WHERE Approved = 1 AND Caldate > {ts '2021-06-10 07:26:22'} -1 AND WebsiteID=1
CF doesn't seem to like my syntax. Will be digging into dates and formatting, but any insights appreciated.
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Holy crap, I'm surprised that's the only thing that doesn't work!
I would look at the DateDiff function in CF as the easiest resolution for this. I don't think you'll have to worry about formatting that way.
Dave Watts, Eidolon LLC
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Thanks Dave, Yep its pretty amazing, but just about everything is working. My code is fairly straight forward - basic queries, if/then statements, setting variables, etc. Believe it or not 99% of it is working like a charm! I'm sure there are a few bugs I'll find along the way, but generally everything is working well. Thanks for your input. Cheers!
Chuck Ebbets
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You should use MS SQL's own date-functions. For example, in MS SQL,
dateadd(day, -1, getdate())
represents the date of yesterday. That way, you will solve the problem once and for all for any ColdFusion version. 🙂