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Hello, all.
I have a CF server that is isolated from the internet, so as you can imagine, it doesn't get updated often.
Soooo... I downloaded the CF10 Mandatory update jar file, and the CF10 Update 20 jar file, copied them over to my server (Windows 2008), and then dropped to an elevated command prompt, and ran the jar files, Mandatory first, restart, then Update 20, restart.
Now, when I try to access CFAdmin, I get an error message: File not found - {drive}:\www\Coldfusion\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\Administrator\cftags\inputfilter.cfm
We don't have our webdocs in the same folder as the CFIDE. So I'm pretty sure this can be fixed by editing an xml file, but I don't know which one(s) or what all to change.
Our webdocs are in {drive}:\Webdocs\
Our CFIDE is in {drive}:\www\Coldfusion\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\
How can I fix this?
Thank you, senchaworld and ImmanuelNoel. I did actually manage to correct the issue, and I was _EXTREMELY_ fortunate in how it was done.
As it turns out, if you place your CFIDE in another location from your webroot, you really, really, REALLY should NOT NOT NOT NOT EVER apply updates using the .jar files from a command prompt. Never, never, never, never, ever. You should use the CF10+ "Server Updates" within the CFAdmin, and here's why: When using CFAdmin to apply the updates, then the ins
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noticed backslashes, assuming windows... did you rebuild your iis connectors?
also check : ColdFusion 10 Hotfix Installation Guide — Adobe ColdFusion Blog
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Could you please clarify a couple of questions.
- Is ColdFusion 10 configured with a connector?
- If yes, would that be IIS or Apache?
- If no, is the ColdFusion webroot changed manually?
Could you also check if there were update installation errors?
Log files: ColdFusion10\cfusion\hf-updates\<Update Build>\<Update Version>_Install_<Timestamp>.log
You can include the files here if possible.
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Thank you, senchaworld and ImmanuelNoel. I did actually manage to correct the issue, and I was _EXTREMELY_ fortunate in how it was done.
As it turns out, if you place your CFIDE in another location from your webroot, you really, really, REALLY should NOT NOT NOT NOT EVER apply updates using the .jar files from a command prompt. Never, never, never, never, ever. You should use the CF10+ "Server Updates" within the CFAdmin, and here's why: When using CFAdmin to apply the updates, then the instance of CF is doing the updating and knows where everything is, as opposed to just the .jar file, which does not have access to the locations of where everything is and uses defaults for everything.
MY UNBELIEVABLE LUCK: I did some looking around, and noticed that in my {drive}:\{cf_install}\ folder was a folder called CFIDE that had today's (yesterday's) date, and a folder called CFIDE.old that had the original install date as the date for the folder. Apparently, the .jar files renamed my original CFIDE to CFIDE.old, and then uploaded the updated files into (the at-that-time-uncreated) CFIDE folder.
MY SOLUTION: I made a copy of CFIDE.old, renamed CFIDE to, renamed CFIDE.old to CFIDE, and copied the contents of into CFIDE. I restarted the service, and WHOOMP, THERE IT IS!!! I logged on and checked the Server Updates for the current patch level, and it showed that Update 20 was successfully applied.
I would have mentioned this, yesterday, but was so relieved that my CF wasn't hosed that I just melted into the carpet, and liquid fingers don't type very well.