Copy link to clipboard
I have an image edition module that permits to rotate an image 90º right or left.
It rotates the image, rewrtite it in the same file and redisplays it:
<!--- Invert width and height --->
<CFSET width = GetItem.height>
<CFSET height = GetItem.width>
<IMG SRC="#path##getItem.fileName#"
WIDTH="#width#" HEIGHT="#height#" BORDER="0" ALT="">
The height and width are indeed inverted, the file is correctly modified, but the image displayed does not look rotated.
It looks like the browser still displays the file in the cache, although the Last-modified parameter of the file has been modified and set to after the date of the file in the cache.
I don't even know if it is a problem with ColdFusion (version 9), IIS (version 7.5 Under W 7 Pro) or the browser (both MS Explorer with cache set to "Automatically" and Firefox)
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